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Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Thursday 3 July 2014

BEAUTY: Tanning Beds Flagged as Source of Chemical Addiction

Tanning Beds Flagged as Source of Chemical Addiction

Summer is here, and people are rushing to the sandy beaches to get the sun-kissed body they have been craving for the entire year. However, few of us know that the endorphins in our brain, commonly referred to as the “Feel Good Hormones” due to their ability to make us feel happier, can actually lead to what is known as a tanning or sunlight exposure addiction. While it is true that exposing yourself to sunlight for a limited period of time and on a regular basis is very healthy, as it stimulates the natural production of Vitamin D in the body, prolonged exposure can dramatically increase the risk for melanoma, one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. The melanoma rates have sky-rocketed over the past decade, and prolonged sun exposure can also lead to premature wrinkling and aging of the skin.

The study that links endorphins to a tanning addiction was conducted by scientists at the Harvard University, and it suggests that sunlight exposure stimulates the production of endorphins which, in turn, make you feel good and act as natural painkillers. However, this can lead to a vicious circle: if sunbathing stimulates endorphins, and endorphins stimulate the sense of well-being that we all want, then sunbathing can become somewhat addictive. The endorphins are released through the body’s exposure to UV, or ultraviolet radiation.
The endorphins basically act as natural opioids that are automatically released into the blood stream under certain circumstances: smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages can stimulate their release, and apparently it seems that prolonged exposure to sunlight can have the same exposure. Nonetheless, while endorphins can be considered natural anti-depressants, they can also encourage addictive behaviors, and extended sunbathing can increase the risk for skin cancer. Statistically speaking, there are expected to be no less than 76,000 cases of melanoma this year, as the American Cancer Society foresees.
It is a known fact that there is a strong link between UV exposure and different forms of skin cancer, and while a 20-30 minute sun exposure revealed no sunburn on laboratory rodents, a prolonged and regular exposure can have devastating effects. One week after the laboratory rodents were first exposed to the UV rays, the scientists have tested their beta-endorphin levels and they have sky-rocketed so much that they were enough to treat the pain of the mice.
The study was conducted on shaved mice that were constantly exposed to UV rays for five days a week, six weeks in a row. The shaven mice were the equivalent of fair-skinned people, and the researchers kept track of the mice’s endorphin levels on a weekly basis. It came as no surprise to see that the “feel good hormone” levels have increased only just one week of sun exposure, and the endorphins basically activated the opioid receptors in the body the same way morphine or prescription painkillers do.

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BEAUTY: How This One Trick Could Transform Your Body

How This One Trick Could Transform Your Body

Reading about sports these days, we are constantly bombarded with news of top notch athletes being exposed for using illegal steroids.

Steroid use involves huge costs, legal issues, and above all, potential health problems. With such risks, you wonder why anyone would be tempted to go this route.

Fortunately, steroid use may eventually be a thing of the past.  That’s because medical researchers studying how the human body builds muscle and endurance are developing safe and legal substances which can increase the body's ability to build muscle, without the health risks associated with steroids.

One of the most interesting fields of research surrounds a naturally occurring chemical compound called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means it helps move oxygen to the muscles when they need it most. Increased nitric oxide in the blood stream signals the blood vessel walls to relax, which allows more blood to flow to the body's muscles, thus delivering more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

It’s been shown to lead to:
  • Drastic Muscle Gains
  • Increased Blood Flow and Oxygen Delivery
  • Boosted Strength, Endurance, and Power
  • Support for Your Immune System
  • Immediate Results
  • Total Body Transformation
While the body naturally increases nitric oxide during workouts, it’s only a limited amount and researchers have been focused on artificially increasing your nitric oxide levels.

One of the most successful products that has emerged from this research is called Factor 2.  It uses "arginines," special amino acids specifically linked to nitric oxide production to significantly increase oxygen and nutrient flow to the muscles during workouts.  As a result, it can safely spark powerful muscle growth, muscle definition, and strength.

Factor 2 produces noticeable results by maximizing your muscle gains as you power through your workouts and within a few weeks, users are starting to notice additional muscle definition and strength.

Factor 2 is now the recognized leader in nitric oxide stimulation and legal, safe muscle and strength enhancement.  It was’s Best New Brand of the Year (2011) and pro athletes are taking note.
Best of all, the company is currently conducting a marketing campaign where new customers can receive a two-week supply of the supplement to try for free. While the Factor 2 free trial offer is available only on, Factor 2 brand products are available in GNC stores nationwide.
To check out how you can get your own supply free to try, click here.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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BEAUTY: 7 Secrets of a Long, Healthy Life

Secrets of  Long Healthy Life

Why do some people age in failing health and sadness, while others grow old with vitality and joy? Most of us wonder why some people die young, whereas others live long lives, and there are many ideas about this subject floating around. From the booming anti-aging supplement industry to scientists in the lab, everyone wants to know the secrets of a long and healthy life. Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study showing that people who practiced certain basic healthy habits lived longer on average than those who didn’t. Genetics, lifestyle, nutrition – all of these factors play an important role in aging. The tips outlined here are tried-and-true healthy habits from people who have lived long lives, and research has verified that they work.
1. Diet and Aging – Gain a Nutritional Edge
What we eat is directly apparent in our body; our skin and hair reflect our nutritional state. To learn about the lifestyle of the old and healthy, many researchers look to Okinawa, Japan, which boasts the world’s highest concentration of healthy 100-year-olds. The diet of Japanese people was studied to find out the keys to longevity. Studies have found that Japanese people most rely on grains, vegetables and fruits. Their diet is low in red meat, dairy products and eggs. The lesson here is to choose your fats and carbohydrates wisely. Switch to healthier options such as wheat breads, whole-grain pasta or nuts, instead of refined flour products like white bread, cakes and muffins. Whenever possible, use monosaturated and polysaturated oils, and avoid trans fats completely. Several research studies have also agreed on the fact that a vegetarian diet is generally healthier than one based on animal protein. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are full of fiber and nutrients.
2. Don’t Blame Everything on Your Genes
There is no doubt that your genes contribute a lot in terms of certain age-related diseases. However, studies have found that when it comes to living a healthy life, our genes only contribute roughly 10% to our overall health, while a staggering 90% is all about lifestyle choices. The way each of us chooses to live every day greatly impacts the quality and length of our lives. So when you’re feeling worn down or dealing with aches and pains, don’t simply blame it on heredity; examine your lifestyle.
3. Eat Foods in Their Natural State
Foods in their natural state are full of nutrients. Cooking actually changes the chemical composition of the food, thus affecting the nutrient levels. Steaming and roasting are known to be the best methods of cooking food, because they are better at preserving the nutrients in their natural state. A great way to maintain health is to consume three to five servings of raw veggies and fruits every day. It is also important to eat in moderation. Filling your stomach too much causes gastrointestinal problems, which in turn affects your overall health.
4. Develop Healthy Habits
If you want to live a long, healthy life, make sure you cultivate healthy habits and avoid unhealthy ones. Most important of all is to avoid smoking, which has long been known to contribute to various heart and lung diseases, and shorten your life span. Alcohol is another major culprit in an unhealthy lifestyle. Drink only in moderation to stay away from adverse health conditions.
5. Exercise
There is no doubt that, along with diet, exercise is the key to a healthy life. Most of the lifestyle-related disorders, including heart diseases, diabetes and others, originate from a sedentary lifestyle. Studies have found that 15 minutes of exercise per day adds three years to your life. Exercise lowers your vulnerability to heart attacks, heart failure and arrhythmia. Exercise also helps by improving the body’s ability to fight oxidative stress, a chemical by-product of cellular energy production. Oxidative damage of cells increases your vulnerability to various diseases. Many of us cannot spend regular time at a gym, but we can include leisure-time physical activity in our daily routine to stay fit and healthy. Include activities like tennis or swimming in your weekly routines, or just make some time to go play with your kids or pet in the park.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Wednesday 2 July 2014

#BEAUTYTIPS: 23 Foods for Perfect Looking Skin

how to keep your skin wrinkle free

Face care starts with making your skin cells healthy from the inside out. If your skin is not getting the nutrients from food that it needs, you just won’t look your best. Instead of covering a blemish or hydrating a dry patch, get rid of them entirely by tossing these face-saving foods into your healthy diet.
Seafood for smooth, clear and glowing skin
Most of you have heard that fish can be really good for your overall health. Several types of fish and shellfish can also work wonders for your skin, especially fatty fish and oysters. Increased omega-3 intake can reduce inflammation and dryness. Inflammation can cause skin to age faster, plus, research shows that getting too little omega-3 fatties may contribute to inflammatory disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Omega-3 fatty acid can also help keep your heart’s arteries clear and as a result improve circulation. Better circulation is essential for skin health. Zinc can help fight acne as it is involved in metabolism of testosterone that affects the production of an oily substance causing sebum, a number one cause of acne. Zinc also takes a part in production of new cells and gets rid of dead skin. As a result your skin has a nice glow.
Coffee and tea
Drinking a single cup of coffee a day might lower the risk of developing skin cancer. In recent study of more than 93,000 women, females who drank a cup of caffeinated coffee per day reduced their risk of developing skin cancer by about 15 percent. In fact, the more they drank (up to about 5 cups per day) the lower was their risk. Caffeine basically kills precancerous and uv-damaged skin cells by blocking a protein which they need to divide.
Citrus fruits for smooth and taut skin
The active component Vitamin C is a main ingredient of tons of skin care creams. This vitamin aids in the body’s production of collagen, a protein which forms the basic structure of the skin. Collagen breakdown starts speeding up significantly after the age of 30 and leaves your skin saggy. Taking in extra vitamin C in foods like oranges, cherries and grapefruits can help prevent wrinkles by tightening your skin. This vitamin also fights inflammation since its antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals, highly reactive oxygen molecules which damage cells and can prematurely age your face.
Soymilk can help to preserve skin-firming collagen as it is rich in isoflavones. In one study published in 2012, people consuming soymilk had fewer wrinkles while exposing to ultraviolet radiation and smoother skin than those who were exposed to UV light but did not get isoflavones. Researchers think that isoflavones prevent collagen breakdown and thus keeping skin healthy and youthful.
Red vegetables for bright and smooth skin
Skin is the largest organ of the body. It makes sense, that everything good for the whole body is also good for your skin and it does not get much better than vegetables. You should especially want to look for red and orange vegetables like tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes. Orange and red veggies are full of beta carotene. Your body converts this type of carotene into vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant, preventing premature aging by preventing cell damage. In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti acne remedy that is why vitamin A has been used in acne medications for many years.

Green vegetables for shiny skin
Spinach and other green, leafy veggies provide tons of vitamin A, which helps your skin by producing more fresh new cells and getting rid of the old ones, reducing dryness and keeping your face looking young and bright.
Nuts for young and soft skin
As with some of the skinny foods on this list, the good stuff in nuts, especially almonds, is enormous antioxidant activity. Vitamin E fights against skin aging free radicals, protecting skin especially from sun damage due to UV -generated free radicals. Vitamin E also seems to help skin hold in moisture; making skin look younger and relieving dryness. Consuming vitamin E with selenium can enhance its antioxidant abilities, so go ahead and add some almonds into the cottage cheese, which is a great source of selenium, for revitalizing your skin. Almonds, walnuts and pistachios also provide a good supply of omega-3 fatty acids, one more great skin nutrient.

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PERGANT: The Finalists For MBGN 2014 — Do You See Any Fine Gals

The organisers of the Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria (MBGN) pageant, Silverbird Productions have rounded up the selections of the MBGN 2014 edition, selected 31 girls for the competition and took the 32nd girl from the Cross Rivers MBGN, who will represent her state in the competition.

The rest of the contestants will be delegated states to represent in  Nigeria as this has always been the custom with the MBGN.

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Friday 27 June 2014

BEAUTY TIPS: 7 Best Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes

Best Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes
Eye puffiness can be a little tricky to get rid of, especially if you are on a budget. However, there are a few easy and cheap ways to treat puffy eyes using things you have at home. Everyone wants to look awake and refreshed in the morning and waking up with puffy eyes is very frustrating, especially when you have a really big day ahead. Read on to discover 7 best home remedies for puffy eyes.

1. Whole milk

Did you know that cold whole milk can help you treat eye puffiness? Whole milk contains fat that has a smoothing effect and it’s rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamins A, D, and lactic acid that help in reducing puffiness under the eyes. Just place a clean wash towel saturated in cold whole milk over your closed eyes for 15 minutes.

2. Cucumber slices

One of the oldest and most effective home remedies for eye puffiness is cucumber slices. Cucumbers are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that help with swelling, redness and irritation, and they also have a cooling effect that helps constrict dilated blood vessels, thus reducing the appearance of the puffiness around the eyes. Simply place cool cucumber slices over your eyes for about 30 minutes. Or, blend 2 cucumbers, strain the pulp to extract as much liquid as possible, put it in fridge for 20 minutes, and then soak 2 cotton swabs in the cucumber juice and place them over your closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm or cold water.

3. Egg whites

Egg whites can help reduce inflammation and they stimulate circulation to the skin under the eyes. To get rid of puffy eyes, apply a beaten egg white with your fingers or with a brush under your eyes and let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. Gently rinse off with lukewarm or cold water.

4. Raw potatoes

If you don’t have cucumbers, opt for raw potato slices. Raw potatoes have astringents that remove excess water from under the eyes, thus prevent puffy eyes. Place thin slices of a washed and peeled potato over your eyes for about 10 minutes. Or, grate a raw peeled potato and place it in several layers of cheesecloth. Place the pouch over your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

5. Tea bags

Be it black tea bags or green tea bags, both help to soothe puffy, irritated eyes. Сaffeinated and non-caffeinated teas have a natural astringent, tannin, which constricts the blood vessels in the skin around your eyes, reducing swelling. Drop 2 tea bags into the mug of hot water, take them out and let them cool to room temperature. Place the tea bags on your eyes for about 15-30 minutes. Rinse off any tea stains on your face. Do it 1-2 times a week if you want to tighten and tone the skin under and around your eyes.

6. Chilled spoons

Have you ever used chilled spoons to get rid of puffy eyes? Place 2 spoons in the fridge overnight and put them over your eyes in the morning. You can wrap the spoons in a piece of clean cloth or towel in order to avoid discomfort. Chilled spoons help to constrict the blood vessels in the skin under the eyes and reduce puffiness.

7. Cold water

One of the easiest ways to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes at home is to use cold water. It acts as a vasoconstrictor that lowers blood flow to the skin under your eyes. So if you want to get rid of puffy eyes, you need to soak a clean washcloth in cold water or ice water, squeeze out the excess water, and place it over your eyes for several minutes.
Although it can be hard to get rid of eye puffiness at home, you can do it if you know these seven home remedies for puffy eyes. These remedies are cheap and effective. Plus, you can use them at home. What’s your favorite remedy for puffy eyes?
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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BEAUTY TIPS: 7 Effective Ways to Fight Acne Naturally

Effective Ways to Fight Acne Naturally
There are many ways to fight acne naturally that work so well that you will wonder why you bother using numerous store bought treatments, which are actually not effective. You can get rid of acne at home by using some natural remedies and good habits. Many teenagers usually face acne and fall in panic, having no idea how to get rid of it. If you are invited to a Prom and your face is terribly pimpled, then try out the following remedies.

1. Honey and lemon

The most effective and natural remedy is honey and lemon. It is the best way to moisturize your skin and to dry acne. This remedy is very popular and all you need to do is to take a slice of lemon, smear it with honey and apply it to the face. Now, you have got a wondrous recipe how to make an effective remedy for acne.

2. Steam

Steam is one of the best ways to fight even the most annoying acne. Every time you go to spa saloons, you are getting an opportunity to draw the toxins out your vulnerable and delicate skin. The great news, it is possible to make this healing procedure at home. To intensify the action you can add essential oils and teas to your steaming water. You may find it difficult to absorb the steam at first, but the results will worth it in the end.

3. Ice

Frozen water is a magical way of healing acne. It is easy to use ice just put it in plastic and keep it on certain part of your face for a few minutes. Ice makes open pores diminish and prevents the skin from bacteria invasion. Applying ice also helps in reducing both the redness and swelling of the skin.

4. Clay masks

Natural clay masks purify the skin and remove toxins. Clay masks have something in common with the steam. I enjoy making a clay mask and it’s extremely pleasant when clay contacts with your skin, making it pure. Such masks have many benefits and one of them is fighting acne.

5. Tomatoes

Such inflammatory disease as acne can be successfully treated with help of tomatoes which are rich in vitamins C, K, A. Just put the slices of tomatoes on your face and forget about your pimples. Tomatoes are acidic by nature and they help dry out your pimples. Plus, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that fight off free radicals.

6. Yogurt and cucumber face mask

Did you know that cucumbers can prevent acne? Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid that is very effective if to deal with skin irritations and swelling. Moreover, cucumbers contain 95% of water and hydrate our skin as well. Yogurt and cucumber face mask has antifungal and antibacterial properties and it can also fade acne scars and age spots. Cucumber and yogurt face mask is a mega weapon against acne.

7. Healthy diet

Sometimes your diet can be the major cause of acne. In fact, many diseases are the result of poor nutrition. So make sure you eat healthy on a daily basis. Avoid junk food and enrich your diet with fruits and veggies and don’t forget about physical activity.
Whether you are a teen or adult, it can be hard to fight acne. But fortunately, there are a few effective ways that can help you get rid of your acne in no time. Do you know any other ways to combat acne? Feel free to share your tips with us.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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BEAUTY TIPS: Tricks To Make Your Belly Look Smaller

Tricks To Make Your Belly Look Smaller

If you have a few extra pounds, then you surely know that they usually show around your belly or the dreaded “love handles”. No matter if it is a beer belly or you just have a sweet tooth and that tends to show, there are several tricks that you can use in order to shrink your stomach, at least temporary. Are you going to a wedding or to the prom and you want that dress to fit you perfectly? Here are some efficient tips that can shrink your belly quickly and without the hassles!
1. Take A Bath With The Amazing Epsom Salt
The Epsom salt bath is very popular these days, not just amongst Hollywood stars but also amongst the everyday people. Why? Because it relaxes you and helps you let off all the steam and stress that have built up inside you over the years. However, few people know that the Epsom salt bath can actually “deflate” your belly quickly and efficiently, and the greatest thing about it is that you only need two cups of the salt. Pour the salt into the water and then simply soak in it for half an hour. The reason why the Epsom salt bath will do wonders on your belly is because the salt will simply “extract” all the excess water in your body. As you may already know, water retention is one of the main underlying causes of bloating and weight gain these days. Not only will the Epsom salt remove all the extra water, but all the toxins and chemicals along with it. That being said, after a good bath you will look good and feel good! The Epsom salt bath is highly recommended before any big event, although you can also enjoy it occasionally, once a week.
2. Hot Pepper Jelly
A slow or lazy metabolism is a common cause of weight gain or bloating these days, and when it comes to speeding up your metabolism, nothing does a better job than the hot pepper jelly. If you are particularly bothered by your belly fat and you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, then the hot pepper jelly will undoubtedly boost your fat burning. The secret lies in the high amount of capsaicin, a commonly occurring compound that can be found in red hot chilly peppers and that is known to boost your metabolism by around a fifth, only half an hour after eating it. The greatest thing about the hot pepper jelly is that it is one of the most versatile spicy ingredients that you can use, and it has been found to be highly efficient in the morning, when eaten along with your regular breakfast. Not only is the hot pepper jelly a quick, healthy and delicious “fix” for your bloating or belly fat, but it is very affordable as well and it can be found at almost any supermarket and store.
3. Try A One-Day Detox Diet
These detox diets will benefit you from several points of view. Firstly, they only last for one day which means that they will not impact your health or well-being in any way, unlike the longer-lasting ones that can take their toll on your health. Secondly, a one-day detox diet is highly recommended every once in a while, given the fact that it will support the proper functioning of the good bacteria found in your digestive tract, while helping your body eliminate all the toxins that have accumulated in your GI at the same time. Pickles are a great choice when it comes to these “crash detox diets”! The one-day detox diet is yet another great choice for those who suffer from inflamed gut, leaky gut disease or bloating. Bloating expands your stomach and your waistline, and it is anything but pleasant – fortunately, you can now take care of that aspect in a fast, healthy and efficient way!
4. Remove All Gassy Foods From Your Diet
In addition to water retention, another common cause of bloating is the consumption of gassy foods, that are known to produce more gas than normal goods in your gastrointestinal tract. Some of these gassy foods include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onions as well as certain legumes and even Brussels sprouts.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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BEAUTY TIPS: 7 Effective Ways to Fight Acne Naturally

Effective Ways to Fight Acne Naturally
There are many ways to fight acne naturally that work so well that you will wonder why you bother using numerous store bought treatments, which are actually not effective. You can get rid of acne at home by using some natural remedies and good habits. Many teenagers usually face acne and fall in panic, having no idea how to get rid of it. If you are invited to a Prom and your face is terribly pimpled, then try out the following remedies.

1. Honey and lemon

The most effective and natural remedy is honey and lemon. It is the best way to moisturize your skin and to dry acne. This remedy is very popular and all you need to do is to take a slice of lemon, smear it with honey and apply it to the face. Now, you have got a wondrous recipe how to make an effective remedy for acne.

2. Steam

Steam is one of the best ways to fight even the most annoying acne. Every time you go to spa saloons, you are getting an opportunity to draw the toxins out your vulnerable and delicate skin. The great news, it is possible to make this healing procedure at home. To intensify the action you can add essential oils and teas to your steaming water. You may find it difficult to absorb the steam at first, but the results will worth it in the end.

3. Ice

Frozen water is a magical way of healing acne. It is easy to use ice just put it in plastic and keep it on certain part of your face for a few minutes. Ice makes open pores diminish and prevents the skin from bacteria invasion. Applying ice also helps in reducing both the redness and swelling of the skin.

4. Clay masks

Natural clay masks purify the skin and remove toxins. Clay masks have something in common with the steam. I enjoy making a clay mask and it’s extremely pleasant when clay contacts with your skin, making it pure. Such masks have many benefits and one of them is fighting acne.

5. Tomatoes

Such inflammatory disease as acne can be successfully treated with help of tomatoes which are rich in vitamins C, K, A. Just put the slices of tomatoes on your face and forget about your pimples. Tomatoes are acidic by nature and they help dry out your pimples. Plus, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that fight off free radicals.

6. Yogurt and cucumber face mask

Did you know that cucumbers can prevent acne? Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid that is very effective if to deal with skin irritations and swelling. Moreover, cucumbers contain 95% of water and hydrate our skin as well. Yogurt and cucumber face mask has antifungal and antibacterial properties and it can also fade acne scars and age spots. Cucumber and yogurt face mask is a mega weapon against acne.

7. Healthy diet

Sometimes your diet can be the major cause of acne. In fact, many diseases are the result of poor nutrition. So make sure you eat healthy on a daily basis. Avoid junk food and enrich your diet with fruits and veggies and don’t forget about physical activity.
Whether you are a teen or adult, it can be hard to fight acne. But fortunately, there are a few effective ways that can help you get rid of your acne in no time. Do you know any other ways to combat acne? Feel free to share your tips with us.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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BEAUTY: Tips On How To Make Thin Hair Look Fuller

how to make hair look fuller

The hair is undoubtedly one of the most valuable assets of a woman, and while some of us were blessed with a long, thick, luscious and healthy looking hair, others have thin and limp hair. Some professional or luxury hair products certainly help, but if you do not have the budget to invest in such expensive products, there are several other great tips that will certainly help you achieve the thick and volume-rich hair you have always dreamed of. Here are seven of the best hair tips for extra volume:
1. Teasing Your Hair Roots Will Never Go Old-Fashioned
One of the most widely used tricks to get more hair volume and fullness is to simply tease the roots of your hair – it is still a very popular choice for hairstylists, when their clients simply do not have enough hair for outstanding hairstyles. All you need to do is to gather all your hair around your head’s crown, and then to simply start and backcomb inches that vary between two to three inches in length, along the roots of your hair. Once you are done, make sure to carefully brush through your hair with your fingertips to make the hairstyle look as soft as possible.
2. Try A New Hair Color
Have you ever notice how your hair perfectly falls into place right after coloring it? It is not just a mere illusion – your hair does get thicker and gets more volume after coloring it, and you do get some lift for a while. It will not last forever, but coloring your hair is certainly a great choice if you want to get thick and luscious hair for your next big event. However, make sure to choose a professional hair salon who will assist you in choosing the hair dye that best compliments your dressing style and your facial traits – after that, you will slowly start to notice how coloring your hair will add a bit of a natural volume to it. If you take good care of your hair and your new color, it should last around several weeks. On the other hand, you do not need to color your entire hair in order to enjoy some extra volume, as you can get the very same effect with some strategically places highlights or downlights. Once again, only a professional hairstylist can help you get the perfect hair color or hairstyle.
3. Try Hot Rollers
Have you ever wondered how do some women with long hair always have perfectly curly hair with minimal effort? The secret lies in the hot rollers: they are very easy to apply, they typically heat up within less than 15 minutes and the curls make it through the day. Generally speaking, a good set of hot rollers comes with two to three different sizes, and if you want to add more volume to your hairstyle, then make sure to always place the biggest rollers on top of your head. Allow the hot rollers to cool down (this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the length of your hair and on the type of hot rollers that you use), then gently remove them and allow your hair to beautifully fall into place. You will simply fall in love with the results. Once the curls perfectly fall into place, make sure to use an aerosol hairspray that will prolong their appearance – make sure to choose one that is not too hard and that still allows your hair to bounce.
4. Always Dry Your Hair Upside Down
This is yet another one of the oldest and most commonly used tricks in the book, and it works best for those who have medium to long hair. Do not allow gravity to rob your hair volume when drying your hair standing up, so make sure to simply flip your hair and dry it upside down – it will allow you to lock in all the volume, but if you want to take hair volume, thickness and fullness to the next level, then make sure to spray some volumizing, aerosol spray as well. Only a couple of puffs should do!
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Tuesday 24 June 2014

BEAUTY: Cosmetics Speaks Volumes For Women In Iran, Even Going Against Islamic Traditions

Iranian Women

For Iranian women, cosmetics speak volumes on such a level, they are willing to go against Islamic traditions for it.
In a related report by The Inquisitr, Iran is witness to the situation happening between Iraq, Syria, and ISIS, since they are neighbors. They even promised Iraq they’ll protect Shiite shrines, probably as an act of good faith among Shiite brothers. Besides, they don’t have anything else going for them since they’ve been taken out by Argentina in the World Cup.
Anyways, Iranian women have reportedly taken a lot of stock in cosmetics because their face is the only part of their body they can truly show off unrestrained. In the Muslim world, women need to wear a compulsory veil and dress modestly. Therefore, any form of expressing one’s beauty is both a rarity and a welcome privilege. As a matter of fact, everyday wearing of cosmetics is quite common in Iran, according to an article by Yahoo News. It can even be said that the using of cosmetics is far more utilized than some liberal western countries too.
With the female population of more than 38 million, Iran is the second-largest market in cosmetics in the Middle East right behind Saudi Arabia. When it comes to the rest of the world, it is actually the seventh-largest in market. Tina Zarinnam, a fashion designer, had this to say about Iranian women using cosmetics:
“Iranian women wear makeup as soon as they get up in the morning. Even if they feel ill, they know that they must look beautiful in the street.”
Originally, cosmetics were banned in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Morality police used to patrol the streets and they would either fine or arrest offenders. However, the strict rules have eased up after the 1980 to 1988 Iran-Iraq war. In another report by Times of Malta, once the ban was lifted, Iranian women took to cosmetics and made sure to doll up before hitting the streets, especially the younger women.
Still, most beauty products are either imported or smuggled into Iran because the country produces little to no cosmetics for its vast customer base. Popular international brands, like Yves Saint Laurent, Guerlain, L’Oreal, and Bourjois, are available in the high echelon malls and trendy stores in Iran’s upscale cities and large towns. Nevertheless, this is a progressive step for Iranian women, especially with all the strictures associated with women in the Islamic world.
[Image via Bing]
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Monday 23 June 2014


Hi, hello, how are you today??
This post is a review and a flaunt of what i won from African Naturalista.
First the review:
Queen helene, body moisturizer, Cocoa butter, Hand and Face Lotion, Skin care, Beauty
I bought this lotion from Sparks shop at Etta Agbor opposite Unical small gate for 1400 Naira.
It's light weight, comes with a pump, but yet i still have to turn it upside down before i can use it.
 it dries fast when i apply it on my skin, and minutes after i'll start sweating. (i don't know why that happens)
I use it on my face as a moisturizer before using a Primer.

I used it to make an eye shadow primer and i love the result, i'll share the steps with you in another post with pictures. Looking at the size of the container this lotion will be on my beauty shelf for a long time, so it's worth the price. 

Even Skin tone, Skin Care, MOisturizer, Sparks Shops, University of Calabar, Etta Agbor Calabar
It contains Paraben, paraffin and mineral oil.
So, the next time you want to buy a lotion, you can try this one.
I collected my package and i'll just share pictures but a review will come later....

The package is not complete because my Mum took the customized bottle opener that was added to my package but don't worry i'll take a picture for you to see.

My favorite will be the hair butter, the blend of carrier and essential oils in it has saved me lots of cash.
Thank you for stopping by!
Google+ Benjamin Ekpenyong

Source: The Beautiful Eagle 
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