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Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Sunday 22 February 2015

RELIGIOUS PRAYER: learn how Patricia pray to God for husband

‎Many singles have visited various churches and places seeking to have their choices of husband but this pretty Sexy lady who finished from  Madonna University Okija, English department 2014 set a good standard to all ladies out there that personal prayers matters alot.

Please download the voice of Patricia to become d separate house wife prayer warriors.

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Monday 6 October 2014

RELIGIOUS WAR: More update coming from Islamic crisis

Muslim worshippers walk into the Gallipoli Mosque to pray in the western Sydney suburb of Auburn September 26, 2014. REUTERS-David Gray

(Reuters) - The children of refugees who fled Lebanon's civil war for peaceful Australia in the 1970s form a majority of Australian militants fighting in the Middle East, according to about a dozen counter-terrorism officials, security experts and Muslim community members.
Of the 160 or so Australian jihadists believed to be in Iraq orSyria, several are in senior leadership positions, they say.
But unlike fighters from Britain, France or Germany, who experts say are mostly jobless and alienated, a number of the Australian fighters grew up in a tight-knit criminal gang culture, dominated by men with family ties to the region around the Lebanese city of Tripoli, near the border with Syria.
Not every gang member becomes an Islamic radical and the vast majority of Lebanese Australians are not involved in crime or in radicalism of any sort. Australian Muslims say they are unfairly targeted by law enforcement, especially after the surge in fighting in Iraq and Syria, and that racial tensions are on the verge of spiraling out of control.
Still, there is a clear nexus between criminals and radicals within the immigrant Lebanese Muslim community, New South Wales Deputy Police Commissioner Nick Kaldas told Reuters.
"It is good training," said Kaldas, himself an immigrant fromEgypt and a native Arabic speaker.
The ease with which some hardened criminals from within the community have taken to militant extremism, and the prospect of what they will do when they return home from the Middle East battle-trained, is a major worry for authorities, he said.
Kaldas oversees the state's Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad and was the United Nations-appointed chief investigator into the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri in a car bomb attack in Beirut in 2005.
In recent years, he said, the divide between criminal gangs and radicals in Lebanese community, who were driven by different motives, had narrowed.
"I do worry about those who may be extremists infecting more people who were just pure criminals," said Kaldas.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says that at least 20 of the fighters are believed by authorities to have returned to Australia, and that more than 60 people believed to be planning to go to the Middle East have had their passports canceled.
Last month, the national security agency raised its four-tier threat level to "high" for the first time and about 900 police launched raids on homes in Sydney's predominantly Muslim western suburbs and in Brisbane.
Only about half a million people out of Australia's 23.5 million are Muslims, making them a tiny fraction in a country where the final vestiges of the "White Australia" policy were only abolished in 1973, allowing large scale non-European migration.
At least half of Australia's Muslims live in Sydney's western suburbs, which were transformed in the mid-1970s from white working-class enclaves into majority-Muslim outposts by a surge of immigration from Lebanon.
The inhabitants of low-slung suburban villages like Lakemba, which now hosts the Imam Ali Mosque, Australia's largest, soon replaced the greasy aroma of fish and chips - and beer - with the scent of grilled meat and cardamom, the staples of the Middle East.
A broad sampling of the areas in Sydney most associated with Lebanese ancestry on the 2011 national census - Auburn, Lakemba, Punchbowl, Granville - show them lagging far behind the rest of New South Wales state on indicators such as income and employment.
After the raids and an intense media focus on the community, most Lebanese Australians are wary of public comment. In the western suburbs, outsiders are looked on with suspicion and few were willing to speak to Reuters.
"It's a troubled community as a group," said Greg Barton, director of the Global Terrorism Research Centre at Monash University. "So they're over-represented in petty crime, in organized crime, in religious extremism."
When the civil war erupted in Syria in 2011, the fighting was a draw for many Lebanese Muslim families in Australia. Clannishness and old family networks made it easy for youngsters from the community to slip away and join the fighting.
"You had people from the neighborhood and you flew into Tripoli or flew into Beirut and drove up to Tripoli and were taken across," Barton said.
"It was a very smooth, easy pathway in."
Both police and academics, however, struggle to explain what would draw second-generation Australians back to the violence which their parents had fled.
Aftab Malik, a Scholar-in-Residence at Sydney's Lebanese Muslim Association who has spent years living in western Sydney's Muslim community, said he believed the convergence between radical Islam and organized crime was unique to Australia.
"I haven't come across that in the U.S. or in Great Britain. It's quite specific here and I don't know why that is," he said.
The fighters from Australia include a radical using the name Abu Sulayman al-Mujahir, who left for the Middle East with what intelligence officials say was the task of ending an internecine war in Syria between al Qaeda and the Islamic State, and a suicide bomber who killed three people in Baghdad in July. The Islamic State named the bomber as Abu Bakr al-Australi on its Twitter feed.
It also includes two men from Sydney, Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar, who have posted images from Syria on Twitter, showing them posing with the heads of executed fighters, holding guns and standing over bloodied bodies.
Australia has issued warrants for their arrests, but police say they are still believed to be in the Middle East. Their social media accounts have been suspended.
Elomar's brother is serving jail time for assaulting a police officer, while Sharrouf served four years for his involvement in a 2005 plot by Islamist radicals to blow up a nuclear powerplant in Victoria state.
"They were stand over men, any everybody knew it, and that's it," Lebanese Muslim Association president Samier Dandan told Reuters during a drive through western Sydney, using an Australian term for an extortionist or violent thug.
For Muhammad, a young man of Lebanese ancestry who grew up in the western suburbs of the city, the evolution from hard man to militant makes perfect sense.
"We tend to live in these clusters, and so when media or government or any outside organization or group of people say 'look at them' - we come together," he said, describing a "siege" mentality within the community.
Although not involved in crime or extremism, Muhammad, who refused to give his surname, said he knew people who were.
A schoolfriend, he said, was involved in criminal gangs as soon as he left high school and was killed in fighting in the Middle East earlier this year.
Over the past year or so, Muhammad said, his cousin, who has been jailed for assault and who used to drink alcohol and never prayed, had shaved his head and grown a long beard. He also began sharing violent jihadist videos on social media.
"The violence stays, it's just that you're doing it for a purpose this time," he said of those who fight alongside Islamic State or other groups in Syria and Iraq.

(Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)
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Saturday 13 September 2014

RELIGION NEWS: T.B. Joshua’s Prophecies That Came True In 2014


TB Joshua is one of the most popular pastors in Nigeria. His famous prophecies often came true. We decided to tell you the most important of them happened in 2014.
1 Prophecy On Abducted Girls
In April 2014 T.B Joshua predicted, that some of the abducted girls will be released. His words were:
“They have to be released. That is the voice of God. I saw a vision where some of these girls have escaped and they are trying to find their way from the forest to the town. In the midnight, some of these girls ran away. The ones that are still under their custody – God said He will release them. This is the voice of God. God has spoken – these children must be released. We can’t wait to see them. God has marked them that nothing should happen.”
The girls were found in South Borno, in the Gwoza-Bama axis. and were quickly carried off in about seven buses by security authorities on the end of April.
2 Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370
On Sunday, the 28th of July, 2013 TB Joshua warned Asia of an incident with a large aircraft, He mentioned that more than 200 persons would die. Joshua didn`t name the country, he just stated that it would be Asia.

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RELIGION NEWS: Why Rev. Anita Must Divorce Chris Oyakhilome – Founding Member

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Rev. Anita‘s divorce case might just go on without a pause. A lot of people have been appealing to Rev. Anita to stop the divorce proceeding and consider their followers and also their two young beautiful daughters.
Sadly when a magazine contacted her Lawyer, Stephen Goddard in UK, he confirmed the incident and said, he is afraid the divorce proceeding must go on. That’s even mild!
Rev. Anita’s friend and one of the church’s founding member in UK, Cyla Simpson has also taken to her Facebook page to shed more light on the couple’s misunderstanding and why Rev. Anita must go ahead with the divorce.
Her lawyer’s words;
“It is with great sadness that our client, Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, has come to the conclusion that her marriage to Pastor Christian Oyakhilome has irretrievably broken down and regrettably there is no hope of any reconciliation. We can confirm that Pastor Anita Oyakhilome has commenced divorce proceedings in London as she resides in the UK.”
What her friend, Cyla Simpson wrote on her Facebook page;
“I am writing this to everyone with a heavy heart. It is heart wrenching to see the way people are referring to Rev Anita and how uncultured people are while talking. You don’t need to be derogatory or condescending to express yourself no matter your level as a christian. First I would join true Christians around the world to appeal to Rev Anita but would say listen to God rather than man.
“I want to appeal to everyone to please pause and think deep because whatever a man sow, he shall surely reap. This is like beating a child like Ibo elders will say and still take the tears from the child. Take a step aside and think. Is there a woman who will give up her home on flimsy excuse, if no why are we so callous and insensitive in this matter. I am a married woman and so are many reading this, or you have a mother, a sister or daughter. If you are happy for them to go through whatever brought Rev Anita to this level please continue with your judgemental approach towards her. And the God of truth will visit everyone with same except if there was no cause. Amen!!!
“I have read some accusing her of money and power motivation. PLEASE LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE PASTOR ANITA I KNOW AS MOST OF YOU YOUNG ONES IN NIGERIA DO NOT HAVE MUCH OF AN ENCOUNTER WITH HER. Rev Anita has been my pastor for about 13 years now. I am one of the founding members of her church and I have seen her grow a church from using all any available venue while planting more churches in faith sending her best member out to start a new church, from two churches in England has grown to churches in almost every borough and cities. Rev Anita will see anyone and everyone regardless of your status.
“If she ever kept you waiting, she will apologise profusely throughout the meeting and make it good to you. Rev Anita without an office will still counsel us even in her car on Wednesday night after church yet she has 1hour 30mins drive back home with 2 young girls. For so long she was driving a volkswagon golf until 2005 that we bought her a BMW X3 and she still refused to drive it for many months until she was begged to use it so that we can be blessed. She used the same car until 2010/2011 and the replacement she had then is still what she used till her last day in church last year.
“We begged her to come around for us to celebrate her birthday but she will still go into hiding. On her return the little song we will do for her, she will return it to Rev Chris in thanksgiving. Any money you give her she sends it straight to church account or Loveworld TV. If we ever RAISE MONEY for her birthday she ask us to go and use it for evangelism or send it to Loveworld TV. When you give her any material thing, regardless of the shop you purchased it, she will use it for you to see and thank you as long as she sees you for the gift.
“At Christmas, while service was on up to 2013 christmas she will give almost everyone in church gift. Foodstuff will be dropped at your side as service. She will specially take care of the elderly, help you settle down when you arrive in the country. No barren left without children as she will make it her project until it happens. So how come people came up with this terrible accusation. You accused her of being rude to some CEC members. Wow. This is wicked. First for so long, she was the Vice President and others have other positions. I thought husband and wife are one.
“She raised 2 girls in this society and the 2 girls are admirable, humble, down-to-earth children. They are children not a reflection of the home they grew. Pastor Chris was not around. He came to our church on Fathers’ Day sometimes ago and he told us one of the daughters’ requested for it as her birthday gift – how touching and how she treasures her dad’s presence. She could ask for material thing but she asked for his presence and we all are here judging them. I remember these girls will politely beg me to allow them carry my baby and they will play with him and when they bring him back, they will thank me for letting them carry him and I’m surprised because I should thank them for helping me. And they do same to other mothers in the mothers’ area where we sit in church. Is it not what they saw their mum do, they are not class-freak.
“I remember that visit of Pastor, Rev Tom talking said we may not value what we have. That she is the grace in the CEC. If they all condemn someone, she will see a good reason to embrace the person and she has always been right. Rev Chris said at one IPPC that most changes we see here in the ministry, she in her simple way brought them and that was the day he spoke about how she talked about the effort we put into publicity of programme but that same or more should be put in telling what the Lord did in that programme when its over. So what changed now, because she is asking for a change.
“I have read all the messages here by some writers, the news is all over our church and I have taken my time to find out what is really happening and to the much available, below are the things Rev Anita is asking for:
She told Rev Chris that you are such an organised person, you give us almost a full year calendar on Dec 31st of every year, please put the family in the timetable too. The times you don’t have any engagement, please come home. I need you and the children need you. Please bear in mind she has been here since 1999 and she was just about 30 years old then as a married woman with 2 children. So for almost 16 years of her marriage, no husband at home for straight 1 week, no dad at home for the children. No christmas, yet he has party with the staff that we all watch at Christmas. Even Jesus always withdrew from the crowd to fellowship with his father.
- She asked Rev Chris that on hearing of the immorality, ‘not holding it against you but let all these ladies move out of White House and go and get houses outside. They are rich enough to buy houses at their place of choice if they don’t already have one and allow them marry. Who benefits from this choice, is it not everyone? So which is her offence in this. And Rev Chris did not agree to it. The brothers even said they went to have meeting with him in South Africa to beg him to at least meet her half-way but he refused. 2 public responses are the emergency Bible study after their meeting with him titled – Spirit of Error and Spirit of Truth, please flash back at this meeting or relisten to it and after so much call in the UK for him to produce our mother, he had meeting with our pastors and deacons in May and it is recorded that many left the meeting weeping for the way he described our mother that some have had lifetime experience with.”
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Friday 12 September 2014

RELIGION NEWS: Synagogue Church Building Collapse Claims 10 Lives In Lagos


Several people feared dead, injured, while many others remain trapped following the collapse of a building in the premises of the Synagogue Church, Ikotun in Lagos.
Synagogue-Church-Collapse in Lagos: Ambulance rushes victims to a hospital. Photo: ‏@_OOF_
The initial information is also confirmed by individuals on social media. At least 10 people feared dead.
The six-storey building collapsed due to yet-to-be identified reasons. This building serves as a guest house for people travelling from far and for foreign visitors of the Synagogue Church, however, it has not been fully completed yet.
The collapse occurred after 12 in the afternoon. The total number of people present at the building may be around 70. They include foreign believers, church members, canteen and construction workers.
At least 7 ambulances have arrived the scene almost immediately. Passers-by and drivers were reportedly helping to evacuate the victims to hospitals.

A military helicopter was seen hovering above the area shortly after collapse. Strong police presence reported by multiple eyewitnesses as well. This development caused pandemonium in the area and heavy traffic for those who were heading to Ikotun from Ejigbo, Mushin and so on.
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RELIGION NEWS: Divorce Saga: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Finally Speaks Up

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

After over a week of remaining silent on the divorce suit filed against him by his wife, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy Church has finally addressed the allegations.
Pastor Chris, who spoke on the evening of Sunday, September 7 during the monthly global communion service of the church, described the allegations as ‘crazy’ and ‘stupid’.
Pastor Christ Oyakhilome
According to him, divorce was not biblical but if his wife insists on it, he could consider it as an option.
Christians should not have a divorce, it shouldn’t be, but you see, that doesn’t mean a Christian may not take the step. They may do it, but that doesn’t make it right,” Pastor Chris said.
He said being married to a man of God doesn’t automatically make you a woman of God and that is why you don’t really find wives of Men of God listed in the Bible.

Addressing reports in the media concerning the divorce saga, he said some of the media houses particularly in Nigeria and South Africa have been writing some very stupid things.
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Saturday 19 July 2014

RELIGIOUS NEWS: An amazing 8-Year-Old Boy’s Solved an assignment 'The Reason Why He Believe in God'

This little boy may just be a pastor in the making. An 8-year-old boy,Danny Dutton, from California was given a school assignment on why he believes in God.

On returning the homework, Danny's writeup turned out to be so fantastic it shocked the entire school leaving his teachers amazed at his reasons.

Well, someday we will all love to have a smart kid like this which is why we bring you his short and precise reasons.

Here is what Dutton wrote:

"One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die so there will be enough people to take care of things here on earth. He doesn't make grown-ups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make, That way, He doesn't have to take up His valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.

God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times besides bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV on account of this. Since He hears everything, not only prayers, there must be a terrible lot of noise in His ears, unless He has thought of a way to turn it off.

God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere, which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting His time by going over your parent's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.

Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church.

Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him. But He was good and kind like His Father and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said OK.

His Dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So He did. And now He helps His Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like the secretary, only more important, of course. You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to hear you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.

You should always go to Church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God. Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong! And, besides, the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.

If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parent can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or when you can't swim very good and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids. But you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases.

And that's why I believe in God."


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Monday 7 July 2014

SHOCKING NEWS: 21-Year-Old Arrested For Killing Father At RCCG Camp

A 21-year-old student of the Department of History and International Relations, Redeemer's University, RCCG Camp, Ogun State, Tolani Ajayi has been arrested by the Ogun State Police Command for killing his father on Tuesday, July 3rd, PMNews reports.
The body of Barrister Charles Ajayi, 60, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, was found at a nearby bush at Canaanland Street at the Redeemed Christian Church of God Camp, Km 46 Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.
The suspect was arrested the same day at his father's residence, scene of the incident, at about 5:30 p.m. after the discovery of the corpse and Police preliminary findings.
Redemption Camp DPO, Olaiya Martins who led a team of detectives and some members of the community to the scene traced ground marks of the box from where it was dumped to the house of the suspect. The corpse was traced to the house of late Barr. Ajayi, where they met the suspect relaxing.
The suspect, who had earlier lied that his dad had gone on evangelism, however, confessed to the crime after he was taken to the Redemption Camp Divisional Headquarters for interrogation.
In his confession, the suspect stated that problem arose when his father confronted him for not responding to all the prayer points he raised, forcing his father to slap him. Infuriated by his father's action, the suspect said he went straight to the kitchen to pick up a knife to stab him and later a cutlass to cut his throat.
The murder weapons had since been recovered by the Police and the corpse of Barr. Ajayi had been deposited at a morgue in Sagamu.
Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Ikemefuna Okoye sympathised with the family of the deceased, particularly his wife, who is also a legal practitioner and other children, urging them to take solace in the Lord.
He also admonished other members of the community in RCCG to be watchful, adding that, such incident will not occur again as the Command will improve on the synergy between the police and the Internal Security Operatives of the RCCG.
A team of detectives led by the officer in charge of Homicide section of the Department of Criminal Investigation, Eleweran, Abeokuta has been sent by the commissioner to further investigate the murder.
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"He said to them, 'You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God\'s sight.'" Luke 16:15 NIV
Thoughts for Today

Earlier this week we looked at Moses and the choices he made. Having all the advantages of a royal family, Moses still chose to identify with his people. He refused wealth, fame, influence, and prestige because he had a sense of direction in his life. Moses had a sense of values based on the promises of God.

In today's society, much is said about values. We hear the terms family values, traditional values, values clarification, values education, and more. A value system includes the social principles and standards by which we function in life. Our value system will be anchored by what we believe to be most worthy in our lives. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21).

Consider this ...

In today's scripture, Jesus gives sobering words to the Pharisees about values clarification. His warning rings just as true today. How often do we value what others say more than what God's Word says? And we can be so influenced by television, movies, magazines . . . and most of all, the Internet. Sometimes almost without realizing what's happening, our values begin to conform more and more to what we are hearing and seeing.

We need to get back to basics. We need to turn to the Bible to remember those things God values most.

What do you value? Are you valuing those things God finds detestable . . . or the things he loves. Have a close look at your value system. Ask God to help you see it the way he does. And then depend on him to help you make adjustments.
Lord, as I think about my value system, I realize I've slipped into some gray areas - and even areas that are detestable in your sight. Please forgive me and help me get back on track. In Jesus' name . . .
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Friday 20 June 2014

TOP NEWS: Another Boko Haram Member Confesses In T.B. Joshua’s Church

Another member of the dreaded Boko Haram sect allegedly confessed at Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua's church today, stating that he was being paid N2,000,000 to bomb churches.

Nearing the end of the service, during the time Joshua's 'Wise Men' were minisring 'deliverance' to people, an aggressive young man dressed in a shabby suit was ushered forward.

"I am one of the Boko Haram," the man declared to the wise man, clearly under an unusual influence."They said they would give me N2,000,000 if I went to blow up a church," the man continued upon questioning as to how he joined the infamous group of insurgents. "Every church would be N2,000,000. They said would be give me big house and a wife."

Queried as to why he came to the church, the man stated, "I have been hearing of T.B. Joshua – that is why I came here." The wise man then prayed for the man who fell heavily to the ground, before being declared free from the 'evil spirit'.

Several minutes later, T.B. Joshua himself returned to the service simply clad in jeans and a t-shirt. "I was in the prayer room when I heard the deliverance going on and listened to the confession of this guy. What he was confessing is mind-boggling," the cleric told the congregation.

Bringing the man back before the congregation, Joshua questioned him further as to how he was initiated into the sect. "My name is Hosea Bulus,"the man began. "They gave me blood; they gave me charms. I took it inside food."

According to Bulus, upon taking the diabolic 'blood', the urge to kill and destroy entered him. "If you talk to me, I will fight you very well," he confessed.

Joshua emphasised to the congregation that the battle was more spiritual than physical. "One thing you must know – we are fighting evil spirits that steal, kill and destroy. Let us not fight our neighbours."
He insisted the problem was not a Muslim-Christian issue. "They are using that name as a camouflage, as a cover up," he stated, adding that no one could bring himself to killing innocent lives without being under the influence of an 'evil spirit'.

Joshua then prayed for the man, who fell to his knees and immediately complained that he wanted to visit the toilet.

The popular pastor reminded the congregation of the well-publicized deliverance of an alleged Boko Haram member named 'Mustapha' two months ago at The SCOAN who stated he came to bomb the church with four accomplices.

He explained that authorities in Abuja have certified the authenticity of his confession, contrary to the statement released by Lagos State Police Commissioner Umar Manko who initially dismissed the claims.
"At the beginning they said it's not true but the authorities in Abuja came out to confirm that he is truly a Boko Haram member… They are following it up."

The cleric concluded by stating he would not ask any further questions publicly so as not to undermine the intelligence Hosea would be able to provide to the relevant authorities.
Several minutes later, the man was shown excreting out some blackish substances following the prayer.. Benjamin Ekpenyong

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Saturday 29 March 2014

Don’t Wear Underwear to Church, so Christ Can “Enter”! – Kenyan Pastor

Reverend Njohi of Kenya - Bella Naija
We know this story may sound crazy, but sadly, it is true.
Reverend Njohi, a Reverend at Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church in Kenya, ordered the female members of his congregation to attend church without any form of underwear so that  Christ can enter their lives.

He reportedly banned the wearing of undergarments in his church because they are ungodly, and people need to be  free in body and spirit to receive Christ.

According to The Kenyan Post, Njohi allegedly warned members that there would be terrible consequences if they attempted to secretly wear bra or pant. Mothers were also advised to make sure their daughters comply with the order.

In today’s age, it seems as though some unscrupulous pastors are abusing their authority as so-called “Men of God.” Take for instance, the case of the South African pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries who instructed his congregation to eat grass so they could be closer to God.

On the other hand, some naive Christians fall victim to these kinds of scams, and begin to fall into the trap of worshipping their Pastors instead of worshipping God.

What’s your take on this issue? Are preachers like Rev. Njohi and Lesego Daniel to be blamed for these incidents? Or do you think its the congregations that are to blame? Let’s talk about it!
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Saturday 22 March 2014

Pope Francis denounces 'evil, blood-stained' mafia

The pope was uncompromising in his criticism of the mafia as he met family members bereaved by organised crime Pope Francis has launched a stinging attack on the mafia, warning gangsters that they will go to hell unless they repent and stop doing evil.

"Blood-stained money, blood-stained power, you can't bring it with you to your next life. Repent," he said.
He was speaking at a prayer vigil for relatives of those killed by the mafia.

The Pope has spoken out frequently about the evils of corruption and wrote a booklet on the subject in 2005 when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires.

'No joy'
The meeting near Rome on Friday - organised by a citizens' group called Libera - was aimed at demonstrating the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to organised crime, rejecting historic ties with mafia bosses claiming to be good Catholics.

The vigil is held every year, but this was the first time that it was attended by the pope
The pope told told Italy's mobsters to relinquish their 'blood-stained money' which 'cannot be taken into paradise' More than 1,000 people attended prayers with the pope at a church near the Vatican
The meeting was an attempt to draw a line under the church's historic ties with mafia dons claiming to be God-fearing Roman Catholics.

The vigil was filled with those who have suffered at the hands of the mafia, including people whose family members and loved ones had been killed.

As the names of those murdered were read out, the Pope listened, deep in sombre thought, says the ZOM's Alan Johnston in Rome.

After expressing solidarity with the 842 people at the vigil, he said that he could not leave the service without addressing those not present: The "protagonists" of mafia violence.

"This life that you live now won't give you pleasure. It won't give you joy or happiness," he said.
"There's still time to not end up in hell, which is what awaits you if you continue on this path."

Our correspondent says there is a long list of brave priests in Italy who have stood up to the mafia, and some have paid with lives.

But he says that the wider Church has been accused of not doing enough to confront the gangsters.
Anti-mafia activists hope that the Pope's words are a signal that he is on their side.

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Saturday 15 March 2014

Deconstructing God

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Friday 14 March 2014

One year of Pope Francis: A priest reflects

Father Joel Camaya, a Catholic priest from the Philippines, was in St. Peter's Square in Rome when Pope Francis was chosen in 2013. A year later, he reflects on the new pope's first months and looks ahead to his legacy. 
 Father Joel Camaya, a Catholic priest from the Philippines, was in St. Peter's Square in Rome when Pope Francis was chosen in 2013. A year later, he reflects on the new pope's first months and looks ahead to his legacy.

Pope Francis' first year: A priest's reflection
 Father Joel Camaya is a Catholic priest from the Philippines. He is a member of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco. Camaya lives in Rome and is studying Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. His essay first appeared on CNN iReport.

A few days ago, I was coming home from school with a Polish priest. As we walked, he blurted out, "The smell of spring!"

We were surrounded by the scent of freshly cut grass. I looked around and realized that indeed spring had come; here and there, a number of trees had begun to bud, and the lowly but beaming margarita flower was in full bloom. One thought immediately came to my mind: It has been a year since the election of Pope Francis.

It had been raining all afternoon that day in March 2013. Despite the bad weather, many had come to St. Peter's Square. As usual, there were flags from different nations, singing and shouting in different languages -- all this had always been a staple at St. Peter's Square. But that evening was different: People had come to see what the chimney would produce after it yielded black smoke on two earlier papal votes. I was with the throng, among those who were closest to the basilica. It was a scene of joyful anticipation.
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Pope Francis' first year
It was already dark when white smoke poured from the chimney, telling everyone that a new pope has been chosen. Spontaneous applause and cheers filled the square, and then, as if it had been deliberately orchestrated, the sky began to clear and the evening became pleasant, cool and cloudless. Then came the tolling of the bells, the entry of the army of Swiss guards, the music played by the brass band and lights from the balcony.

Pope Francis\' first year Photos: The night Francis was chosen
A few more minutes and then appeared an elderly cardinal speaking the words: "Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum HABEMUS PAPAM Georgium Marium Bergoglio qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum."
There was a momentary silence. The names were not anticipated: neither Bergoglio, for he was not considered among the strong contenders, nor Francis, for no pope had previously taken that name. Suddenly, great applause followed this short lull. There were roars of approval all around, shouts of "Viva il Papa!" I distinctly heard a young priest affirming, "Francis! Oh, this is revolutionary!"
Our new Pope Francis appeared. After a short message and before giving his first apostolic blessing, he asked the people to pray for him, to beseech the Lord to bless him, their bishop. A solemn silence reigned at St. Peter's Square. Francis broke the silence with his first blessing as pope. Then he took his leave, leaving everyone with an informal "Good night and sleep well!" To this the crowd responded in jubilation.

Opinion: Why Pope Francis is so shocking
That evening was auspicious. There were several things that kept me awake that night. The new pope was non-European; he took the name Francis; he bowed and asked his flock to pray for him, their shepherd; he ended his first speech in a very candid, familiar greeting. And the words from the young priest: "Revolutionary!"
The Pope's year of surprises
The weeks and months that followed confirmed the charisma of this new pope. St. Peter's Square is always packed with huge crowds during general audiences and the Sunday Angelus. Like the candor in his first address, he ends every Sunday gathering with "Buon pranzo!" ("Have a good lunch!") People are hanging on to what this pontiff says: the novelty in his words and deeds and how different groups would interpret them.

The "Pope Francis effect"
I took advantage of this privilege that I am in Rome to follow closely what this new pope has to say and what he does. Most of the time, I take his words from my point of view as a priest, as one who is a co-worker in ministering to the people. In sharing my thoughts and reflection on the first year of his papacy, I also take this bias of one who has the task of shepherding.

I see the first year of Pope Francis' pontificate as one of preaching joy and mercy. He told the faithful gathered at the Palm Sunday Mass: "Do not be men and women of sadness; a Christian can never be sad!" And perhaps this is what makes the pope an even more relevant figure in today's world. Under Francis, we would expect a revitalization of the church, that he would continue to make it closer to those in the peripheries. It is an echo of the action of the other Francis, the man of Assisi, rebuilding the church of Jesus.

The spring evening in which Pope Francis was elected is an apt symbol of the beginning of his papacy and the years that will follow. Perhaps it is not a mere coincidence that his pontificate coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. If Vatican II opened the windows for the spring air to come in, the papacy of Pope Francis opens the doors for the church and her pastors to go out -- and here I would like to quote from his homily to priests on Holy Thursday: "May (Jesus) renew his Spirit in our hearts, that this anointing may spread to everyone, even to those 'outskirts' where our faithful people most look for it and most appreciate it."
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