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Monday 24 February 2014

True Detective: Obama ‘Has Seen My Boobs’ Boasts Show’s Sexpot Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra Daddario
True Detective, if it isn’t the grimmest show on television, is right up there with some of the most downbeat and resolutely humorless programming to seep through your screen in 2014. But that doesn’t mean that the show can’t generate some ridiculous storylines off the air.

This one involved the Commander-In-Chief and one actress’s chief assets.

The story comes courtesy of actress Alexandra Daddario who portrayed Lisa Tragnetti, the sexpot mistress of Woody Harrelson’s Detective Martin Hart character. Daddario recently found out that President Barack Obama lists two HBO shows as his current favorites on TV.

In fact, at a recent state dinner in honor of France’s President Francois Hollande, Obama accosted HBO Chef Executive Richard Pleper and demanded, only half kidding, advance copies of both Game of Thrones and True Detective. That was the weekend before President’s Day, and though Obama had a busy schedule, he nonetheless planned to find time to binge-watch both series.
Now, the 27-year-old Daddario, hearing of the president’s enthusiasm for True Detective, put two and two together.

In one of her four episodes in True Detective, the Texas Chainsaw 3D star engages in a steamy, leave-little-to-the-imagination sex scene with Woody Harrelson, in which she strips to her birthday suit and seductively straddles the 52-year-old Hollywood veteran.

Knowing that Obama must have watched that scene, probably just as riveted to the screen as anyone else, Alexanadra Daddario realized that the president of the United States has now seen her, well, lets just say he’s seen her.

“The president has seen my boobs,” Daddario, who got her big break as a 16-year-old in 2002 on the soap opera All My Chidren, tweeted on February 17. The tweet came complete with a photo of Obama giving a knowing wink.
Well, we’ve got news for you, Alexandra. He’s seen a lot more than your boobs, and so has everyone else who watches True Detective. But if one rather unbelievable story is to be believed anyway, Daddario’s au naturel turn on True Detective made an especially strong impression on the nation’s top HBO aficionado.
Who knows whether Daddario’s tweet inspired it, but two days later, the always-amusing National Enquirer — which has shown an obsessive interest in the president’s sex life, or what it imagines the president’s sex life to be, anyway — ran a story headlined, “Horndog Obama Hot For TV Nudie Cutie.”
According to the 88-year-old tabloid — which these days is probably read primarily by 88-year-olds — a “White House source” claims that the president became so infatuated with the Squid and the Whale actress after seeing her perform — or shall we say, “perform” — on True Detective, that he has developed an unshakeable fixation on her.
“It’s surprising he doesn’t have a poster of her hanging in the Oval Office,” the alleged “source” allegedly “told” the Enquirer. “He’s totally smit­ten with her.”
While the National Enquirer tale needs to be taken with a healthy, if not overwhelming dose of skepticism, one thing that is not questionable is that Alexandria Daddario gave a performance that True Detective viewers will not soon forget — albeit maybe not entirely for the reasons she would prefer.

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