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Showing posts with label Social Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Network. Show all posts

Friday 4 July 2014

SOCIAL NETWORK: Craigslist Shakes And Restores Faith In Humanity With These Two Recent Incidents


Craigslist is a very interesting place that been assisting people in conducting all sorts of business, but lately it has created a bad name for itself. One such incident that will make people even more wary of the portal happened at Moorestown Mall in New Jersey.
A man who was about to buy an iPhone 5C was accosted with a knife. He was held-up at knife-point by none other than the seller who had advertised the merchandise on Craiglist,reported NJ. The seller threatened 43-year-old Gibbsboro resident at knife-point, but the would-be-buyer refused to part with his money, causing the seller to panic and flee. The buyer had arranged to meet someone offering a new IPhone 5C for $275, via a typical Craigslist ad, Moorestown police said.
The pre-arranged time was late evening, and when the buyer reached the spot at 8:15 pm, the seller was waiting for him, but instead of showing the phone as advertised on Craigslist, he threatened the middle-aged man with a knife. Interestingly, the buyer stood his ground and the seller fled.
While this incident, like many others, will cause people to shy away from Craigslist, recently a man was reunited with his stolen bike that had a lot of sentimental value attached to it,reported My Fox Phoenix. Carelessly keeping his garage door open, Jesse Bates lost his beloved decades-old Suteki bike that he and his friend had restored.

Jesse Bates Was Reunited With His Stolen Bike Via Craigslist

Jesse Bates Was Reunited With His Stolen Bike Via Craigslist
Soon after, Jesse made an emotional plea on Facebook, detailing the incident and requesting the robber to return the bike,
“So this is me, random guy who was stupid enough to think leaving his garage door open in my neighborhood wouldn’t lead to random things going missing. Shame on me, you got me. Please give me my bike back, it means a lot more to me than it could ever mean to you,”. Interestingly, the plea trickled down on Craigslist.
The message clicked and a complete stranger texted Jesse that a bike which perfectly fit the description was advertised on Craigslist. Eventually, Jesse was able to get the bike back from a man who claimed to be a bike reseller. He had posted an ad trying to sell the bike, but when he heard Jesse’s story, the seller instead of asking for money, gave it back for free.
While this may sound great, what’s even more amazing is the fact that all this happened within the span of a single day. Jesse got the bike back the same day it was stolen, thanks to the ads on Craigslist.
[Image Credit | Zeke Michael, My Fox Phoenix]
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Friday 27 June 2014

SOCIAL NETWORK: Luis Suarez biting Giorgio Chiellini virals: The best of the internet's jokes after Uruguay striker's latest controversy

He's got my arm! Suarez (right) is depicted as having taken off Chiellini's arm with his bite

Solid gold: Suarez picked up another award after a great season, according to some on Twitter

It didn't take long for Luis Suarez's bite on Giorgio Chiellini to viral - although perhaps people were expecting it.

Within moments of the Uruguay striker appearing to sink his teeth into Chiellini's shoulder fans were scanning the net for photos and video clips of the incident.

And quick-thinking internet wizzes were putting together their best efforts to create viral jokes soon after.

VIDEO Scroll down for hilarious Suarez gif depicts the the Uruguay striker as Jaws

Viral: This was tweeted supposedly depicting Luis Suarez as a child with a Hannibal mask on

Viral: This was tweeted supposedly depicting Luis Suarez as a child with a Hannibal mask on

Solid gold: Suarez picked up another award after a great season, according to some on Twitter

Yummy: Snickers' Twitter account got in on the act by publishing this viral with #luissuarez
Yummy: Snickers' Twitter account got in on the act by publishing this viral with #luissuarez
Starving: Suarez's head has been added to the game Hungry Hippos as well
Starving: Suarez's head has been added to the game Hungry Hippos as well

He's got my arm! Suarez (right) is depicted as having taken off Chiellini's arm with his bite
They've got him! Suarez depitced being captured like a dog following his biting incident
They've got him! Suarez depitced being captured like a dog following his biting incident
There's something in the water... Suarez is depicted as Jaws in this viral
There's something in the water... Suarez is depicted as Jaws in this viral
Another angle: Chiellini's bite mark display is enhanced
Kitted out: Pranksters gave Suarez a muzzel
Jokes: At least some could see the funny side of Suarez's actions - including some edited Panini stickers

Luis Suarez appeared to bite Giorgio Chiellini during Uruguay's World Cup 2014 win over Italy

  • The internet has reacted with a number of jokes and images in reference to the incident
  • Images show Luis Suarez as Jaws and Dracula while he wins the 'Golden Teeth'
  • Giorgio Chiellini's apparent bite marks are made substantially worse
  • Nando's reach out to offer striker a meal as an alternative to biting

Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Thursday 26 June 2014

WORLD VIDEO: Social Network Reset the net happening live on June 5th 2014

"Mass surveillance is illegitimate. I'm taking steps to take my freedoms back and I expect governments and corporations to follow in my footsteps and take steps to stop all mass government surveillance."
Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people. Alongside internet users everywhere we beat back attempts to limit our basic rights and freedoms, and empower people to demand technology (and policy) that serves their interests. Activating the internet for the public good can only lead to a more vibrant and awesome world. More coming soon.

We're making the Internet more secure, by taking part in

By Benjamin Ekpenyong
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SHOCKING NEWS: SOCIAL NETWORK Facebook is watching you even when you're not on Facebook

Facebook is watching you. Even when you're not on Facebook.
Well, folks, Facebook just got creepier, if that’s even possible.
Then share the images below to spread the word!

Seriously, Facebook?!
We’ve done a lot together to win real victories against government surveillance, now it’s time to address the big elephant in the room: companies like Facebook, whose business models are fundamentally at odds with their user’s rights.
Last week, Facebook announced that it will begin tapping into your web browsing and Internet data outside of Facebook to serve ads.[1] This is incredibly creepy. By selling and sharing your and every Internet user’s personal data to private companies and government agencies, Facebook is putting everyone at risk of having their basic rights abused. Even if you don’t have a Facebook account, Facebook is still tracking you and handing your information over. [2]
We’re telling Facebook to stop and our campaign is growing fast! In the last two days, more than 23,000 of you have already taken action to tell Zuckerberg and Facebook to stop creeping on our every movement on the Internet. And the number of voices joining our action only keep growing each second.
This could be bad for all of us and not just because Mark Zuckerberg can look at your browsing history. Facebook’s close ties with government agencies like the NSA threaten your and every Internet user’s right to privacy. [3] If Zuckerberg is data mining every trace of your Internet usage, then the NSA has that same data too.[4] That’s why it’s so important that we take action and stop this abuse now.
We’ve won major victories for Internet freedom in the past, let’s add this to that list. If we can get enough people to demand that Facebook stop abusing Internet user’s right to privacy, we can stop them.
For the Internet,
Kevin, Holmes, Evan, and Tiffiniy
Fight for the Future
P.S. Taking on Facebook’s abuse of privacy is no small task, but our small team is working hard to make this campaign spread wide and far. Can you chip in to help us take on Facebook? Please donate $20 (or more) today!
[2] LifeHacker. “Facebook Is Tracking Your Every Move on the Web; Here’s How to Stop It”.
[3] Bloomberg Businessweek. “Europe’s High Court Will Look at Facebook’s Possible Role in NSA Spying”.
[4] Mother Jones. “Where Does Facebook Stop and the NSA Begin?”.

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SOCIAL NETWORK: TWITTER About tailored suggestions

Tailor Twitter to your interests.

Tailored suggestions make building a great timeline — filled with Tweets, links, media, and conversations from the people you’re interested in — easier and faster. Twitter can now make smarter and more relevant suggestions about who you might enjoy following. We’re beginning to test tailored suggestions now with some of our users. 

How tailored suggestions work:

We determine the people you might enjoy following based on your recent visits to websites in the Twitter ecosystem (sites that have integrated Twitter buttons or widgets). Specifically, our feature works by suggesting people who are frequently followed by other Twitter users that visit the same websites.

If you’re part of this initial test, when you first sign up for Twitter, we’ll offer you a unique list of relevant suggestions about who to follow so that you can quickly experience the value and fun of Twitter.

If you’re a current user, this feature offers dynamic suggestions about people you might enjoy following, keeping Twitter naturally aligned with your evolving interests. Here’s a preview of your tailored suggestions. They may also appear in theWho to follow sections on the Home and Discover pages.

To protect your privacy, we start the process of deleting your page visits after a maximum of 10 days, and we keep tailored suggestions for you, as explained in our privacy policy. We may also keep aggregate information, such as the number of visitors to a page. For additional details, please see our frequently asked questions article.

It’s up to you.

We are committed to offering you meaningful privacy choices.  If you don’t want tailored suggestions, there are several ways to turn off the collection of information for this feature:
  • For users signing up to Twitter, you can uncheck the box that says Tailor Twitter based on my recent website visits.
  • After signup, you can uncheck this box in your Safety and security settings next to the heading Personalization.
  • When you log out of Twitter, the information collection for the feature automatically stops until you log back into Twitter.
  • Anyone can turn on the Do Not Track browser setting to stop the collection of information for the feature. Learn more about Twitter’s support for the Do Not Track preference, including how to turn it on.
  • Anyone can also turn off the information collection for the feature from the preview page.
For more details, please see our privacy policy and FAQs.

I want to check it out.

Go ahead and sign up or check out our preview page. You may notice that some suggestions are for people you already follow. Seeing familiar accounts helps to confirm that our tailored suggestions are ones you like.

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Wednesday 25 June 2014

SOCIAL NETWORK: Top 10 biggest internet Revenue website and their ADS LEADING ROLES

The titans of the web - led by google and facebook - dominate the market for online ads and search traffic. A resugent Yahoo! is getting plenty of buzz from investors who like the company's focus, even if it's yet to pay off. The fastest - grownng region is Asia. That's also proving to be one of the touhest areas of moonetize through ad sales. $118.59Billion INDUSTRY REVENUE.



  • Est. sales growth 
  • Est. net income growth 
  • Est. EPS growth 


  • Stock price (USD / Last Close) 
  • 1 year total return 
  • P/E ratio 
  • Sales per employee 


  • Industry revenue ($M) 
  • Free cash flow ($M) 
  • Total cost as % of revenue (ex SBC) 
  • Advertising revenue ($M) 


  • Market share
  • # Employees
  • Market cap ($M) 
  • Sales ($M) 
  • Total assets ($M) 


  • Operating margin 
  • Return on assets 
  • Return on equity 
  • Return on invested capital 
  • Sales growth
  • Net income ($M) 
Baidu Inc
  • 51.18%
  • 8.04%
  • 8.88%
  • $181.19
  • 103.07%
  • 35.77
  • $164,038
  • $3,535
  • $1,795
  • 49.50%
  • $5,173
  • 3%
  • 31,676
  • $64,818
  • $5,196
  • $11,729
  • 35.04%
  • 18.03%
  • 32.63%
  • 19.22%
  • 43.21%
  • $1,711


Bloomberg’s market info for Baidu Inc (BIDU:US)


    Facebook Inc
    • 50.68%
    • 74%
    • 62.05%
    • $65.72
    • 175.84%
    • 87.60
    • $1,242,228
    • $5,089
    • $2,860
    • 58.50%
    • $6,986
    • 4.30%
    • 6,337
    • $171,663
    • $7,872
    • $17,895
    • 35.62%
    • 9.04%
    • 10.95%
    • 10.24%
    • 54.69%
    • $1,491


    Bloomberg’s market info for Facebook Inc (FB:US)


      Tencent Holdings Ltd
      • 30.63%
      • 47.79%
      • 45.50%
      • $14.85
      • 103.53%
      • 47.44
      • $357,588
      • $6,197
      • $3,348
      • 64.20%
      • $819
      • 5.20%
      • 27,492
      • $138,719
      • $9,831
      • $17,718
      • 28.58%
      • 16.99%
      • 31.24%
      • 21.41%
      • 37.69%
      • $2,522


      Bloomberg’s market info for Tencent Holdings Ltd (700:HK)


        Groupon Inc
        • 24.44%
        • 10.82%
        • 0%
        • $6.78
        • -17.52%
        • n/a
        • $765,513
        • $2,334
        • $155
        • 91.40%
        • n/a
        • 2%
        • 3,362
        • $4,591
        • $2,574
        • $2,042
        • 2.94%
        • -4.68%
        • -13.09%
        • n/a
        • 10.25%
        • -$95


        Bloomberg’s market info for Groupon Inc (GRPN:US)


          Google Inc
          • 10.03%
          • 24.39%
          • n/a
          • $564.62
          • n/a
          • n/a
          • $1,252,722
          • $43,686
          • $11,301
          • 69.30%
          • $50,578
          • 36%
          • 47,756
          • $387,587
          • $59,825
          • $110,920
          • 23.34%
          • 12.62%
          • 16.25%
          • 13.86%
          • 19.23%
          • $12,920


          Bloomberg’s market info for Google Inc (GOOG:US)


            Microsoft Corp
            • 9.41%
            • 1.06%
            • 2.11%
            • $41.74
            • 27.57%
            • 14.86
            • $786,354
            • $3,201
            • $24,576
            • n/a
            • n/a
            • 2.70%
            • 99,000
            • $344,643
            • $77,849
            • $142,431
            • 34.38%
            • 16.58%
            • 30.09%
            • 24.47%
            • 5.60%
            • $21,863


            Bloomberg’s market info for Microsoft Corp (MSFT:US)


              AOL Inc
              • 9.08%
              • 5.66%
              • 3.12%
              • $38.76
              • 9.48%
              • 22.22
              • $454,882
              • $2,192
              • $253
              • 91.20%
              • $1,613
              • 1.80%
              • 5,100
              • $3,073
              • $2,320
              • $2,983
              • 10.63%
              • 3.20%
              • 4.20%
              • 5.51%
              • 5.85%
              • $92


              Bloomberg’s market info for AOL Inc (AOL:US)


                Yahoo! Inc
                • 1.64%
                • 21.60%
                • 27.06%
                • $33.48
                • 33.42%
                • 27.48
                • $383,638
                • $4,987
                • $857
                • 79%
                • n/a
                • 4.20%
                • 12,200
                • $33,527
                • $4,680
                • $16,805
                • 12.33%
                • 8.06%
                • 9.89%
                • 3.59%
                • -6.14%
                • $1,366


                Bloomberg’s market info for Yahoo! Inc (YHOO:US)


                  Gree Inc
                  • -13.84%
                  • -10.41%
                  • -12.19%
                  • $9.07
                  • 6.68%
                  • 15.08
                  • $741,475
                  • $1,753
                  • $142
                  • n/a
                  • n/a
                  • 1.70%
                  • 2,364
                  • $2,170
                  • $1,753
                  • $1,598
                  • 31.93%
                  • 13.90%
                  • 24.76%
                  • 20.87%
                  • -3.79%
                  • $259


                  Bloomberg’s market info for Gree Inc (3632:JP)


                    NAVER Corp
                    • n/a
                    • n/a
                    • n/a
                    • $806.88
                    • 94.80%
                    • 59.75
                    • $715,020
                    • $1,305
                    • $288
                    • n/a
                    • n/a
                    • 1.60%
                    • 1,564
                    • $26,597
                    • $1,118
                    • $2,147
                    • 48.25%
                    • 80%
                    • 108.94%
                    • 22.64%
                    • -19.05%
                    • $1,792


                    Bloomberg’s market info for NAVER Corp (035420:KS)


                      Industry median
                      *Aggregate price-based metrics not available in this product
                      Benjamin Ekpenyong

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