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Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Saturday 9 May 2015

#EDUCATION NEWS SURPLUS 2 DEFICIT(S2D) donate free books to schools #WeCanDoThis #WeCanDoMore


An initiative that Donate free books to schools...

Banks move funds from the Surplus sector(those who have) to the Deficit sector(those who want).

So, we came up with S2D to move books from Surplus(those who can afford) to Deficit(those who need).

We mobilize contributions and buy books and share to students in schools who need them as a way of giving back to society in our little way, since we don't believe that government should do everything for us.

According to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 
Most African children who attend school have never owned a book of their own. In many classrooms, 10-20 students share one textbook. Many people in the United States take these educational necessities for granted, but children in Africa cherish books.

"Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give"...Ben Carson

»»»»»•| Please join us and donate books in the 'SURPLUS 2 DEFICIT'(S2D) project.

#WeCanDoThis #WeCanDoMore

My strategy is;

To Live. Love and Leave a Legacy.

... Martin Bassey

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Saturday 13 September 2014


The National Examinations Council (NECO) has announced that 52.29 percent of the candidates that sat for June/July 2014 Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) passed at credit level in five subjects, including English
Language and mathematics.

The Registrar and Chief Executive officer of the Council, Professor Promise Okpala, who announced the result in Minna, said 74.30 percent of the candidates made five credits and above generally.

He said that 978,886 candidates of the 989,622 that registered sat for the examination, which was conducted in 76 subjects.

Of 989,622 candidates that wrote the examination, 72.58 percent scored credit level and above in English Language, while 69.49 percent made similar grades in mathematics.

In sciences, 72.86 percent of candidates that sat for Chemistry had credits, while 69.38 percent of physics candidates had credit levels and in biology 67.83 percent of the candidates made credit grades.

Okpala said that beyond the cost of running the examination, insecurity in many parts of the country grossly affected the logistic operations of the council during the school based

The registrar also said that efforts of the council at reducing examination malpractices paid off as only 0.44 percent of those who sat for the examination were involved in malpractices.

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Saturday 12 July 2014

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now Sign Up For BBM Beta On Windows Phone

Last time out, we told you how BBM surfaced as a Private Beta app on the Windows Phone store, not just anyone could download it.

At the time, I made a guess that it had been published ahead of a public beta programme and advised those interested to sign up for Blackberry Beta zone, if they hadn't already. It turns out I was right.

BBM has announced that they are now accepting applications from Windows Phone users to join their pubic BBM beta prgoramme for the platform.

The screenshot below shows how the app maintains native Windows Phone UI elements, unlike the Android and iOS version that try to imitate BBM for Blackberry 10.

If you'd like to join the public beta programme, head over to Blackberry Beta zone now and sign up for the programme. Find out more about the beta app click below link »


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Thursday 3 July 2014

EDUCATION: Ways To Make Your Brain Work Better

artifical intelligence

The brain is the human supercomputer with infinite possibilities. It’s the brain that differentiates humans from all other animals. Despite the common belief that intelligence is a genetic phenomenon, studies have shown that this isn’t true. The brain is a continuously evolving organ, and it is always a work in progress – it keeps revising or remodeling, improving or declining, depending on how we use it. Just like with a muscle, if the brain is properly exercised, anyone can boost their intelligence level significantly, at any age. But if you let your brain remain idle, it is bound to lose its sharpness. Here are a few ways to make your brain work better:
Exercise Regularly
As we age, the birth of new brain cells becomes slower, and our brain tissue shrinks in size. However, regular exercises can reverse this age-related decline. Studies show that regular exercise – especially cardiovascular exercise – boosts the blood flow to your brain, which helps deliver much-needed oxygen to brain cells (the brain consumes nearly 20% of the oxygen in our body). Studies have shown that people see a significant increase in brain volume if they exercise regularly.
With today’s hectic lifestyle – which often involves juggling time between office, work, home and kids – there is very little time left for mind relaxation. Your mind is always crowded with various thoughts and worries, which definitely affects your thinking ability and other brain functions. Meditation is one of the oldest ways to rejuvenate your mind and enhance your cognitive functions. The practice of meditation involves quiet, focused breathing exercises where your mind is free from other activities and thoughts. With regular practice, meditation allows your mind to reach a deeply calm state, which in turn improves other brain functions, such as attention span, memory and focus. Not surprisingly, some of the leading corporate organizations now offer meditation classes for their employees.
Eat Fish
If you don’t eat fish regularly, it may be a good idea to include some in your regular diet – at least twice a week. If you do not like eating fish, or if you are a vegan, then you can opt for a fish oil supplement instead. A study on teenagers in Sweden indicated that eating fish increased the verbal and visuospatial intelligence of the subjects by more than 10%. While the exact mechanism of how eating fish improves brain health is unknown, some believe that, like exercise, it helps increase blood flow to the brain.
Fight Inflammation
Inflammation could be the result of your body fighting toxins, infections, chemicals or free radicals. Studies have shown that inflammation of any kind tends to have a negative impact on mental performance. Researchers have found that inflammation is consistently linked to lower standard intelligence levels. Thus, for keeping your brain sharp, it is important to fight inflammation. Foods such as omega 3 and various antioxidants help in fighting inflammation.
Exercise Your Brain
Like the rest of your body, your brain needs regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. Brain-strengthening or mind-improvement exercises can invigorate your brain and enhance its functions. Crossword puzzles and other word-based games, Sudoku, math word problems and number-based ‘brain teasers’ are some of the ways to improve your brain efficiency. Such mind-building games help in developing problem-solving abilities and mental determination. They are a fun way to enhance brain power.
Experiment With a New Hobby or Skill
A good way to energize the brain is to take it out of its ‘comfort zone,’ by trying out new skills or hobbies. It does not matter what new skill you decide to take up – for example, learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, carpentry projects, etc. When your brain is trying new things, it creates new neurons. Moreover, studies have shown that mastering new skills also helps in improving memory and cognitive functions.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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EDUCATION: 7 Brain Activities That Will Improve Your Memory

games that will make your memory better
As we age, our mind’s cognitive capacity begins to deteriorate. This is part of the inevitable, natural process of aging that takes its toll on all aspects of human life. While we cannot prevent the effects of aging, we can slow them down, and even reverse them in some cases. Memory loss is a frightening subject for most of us, but the good news is that there are some measures we can take to slow our cognitive decline. Here are seven brain activities that will improve your memory in the long run:
1. Learn a New Language!
Learning a new language can benefit you on many levels. Not only does it add to your personal skill set, but it’s also an outstanding brain exercise that can prevent, delay or even reverse memory loss. Language-learning activities will help you remember, recognize and understand words, which will take your cognitive function to a whole new level. Language learning is a great weapon against memory loss that improves vocabulary and grammar, as well as the elements of mental and verbal fluency.
2. Puzzles and Word Games Are Also Great
Another brain exercise that will enrich your general knowledge and help prevent memory loss is playing word games and solving crosswords or other puzzles. It can be Sudoku or a Scrabble game – whatever appeals to you, as long as it stimulates your mind with new words and makes you associate them with objects or actions. It is now known that playing different word games and doing crossword puzzles on a daily basis can significantly reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
3. Never Underestimate the Power of Music!
Music, and music therapy (commonly referred to as ‘melotherapy’) provides great brain exercise as well, since it not only improves your mental focus but also supports healthy long-term cognitive functioning. While it is claimed that listening to classical music can help babies and young children boost their brainpower and improve verbal fluency skills, music is also a great ‘treatment’ for memory loss. Simply listen to your favorite kind of music on a daily basis, and try to remember the melody or lyrics (and sing or hum along), and you will find it both useful and entertaining!
4. Don’t Be Ashamed to Talk to Yourself
Studies have revealed that people who talk to themselves actually have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life. In other words, talking to yourself and even telling yourself stories is an outstanding way to delay memory loss and to stay focused on important details. Moreover, this is also a great ‘emotional exercise.’ Storytelling has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s for a long time, and it has turned out to useful in improving memory function by helping you retain more information.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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Friday 27 June 2014

EDUCATION: 7 Ways To Educate Yourself Without College

young woman carrying booksNot everyone can afford going to college, but everyone can afford learning. Sources of information, educational videos, audio and printed materials can be obtained from many places, either your local public library or an Internet Archive. It is important to have an aspiration to learn. While the people around you may not respect your self-educated knowledge, learning can be incredibly satisfying; the advantage of learning something on your own means that you can lead conversations on many subjects and that you have control over your thoughts. Becoming self-educated requires a great discipline. It also requires the ability to learn on your own. Here are some tips how to educate yourself without even stepping into a school.

1.Read a book
Without a doubt this is one of the best ways to learn a new subject. If you are entirely unaware of the topic or if you think it might be interesting, take a simpler book and start with it. Controversial books may also be helpful for motivating you to learn more. Getting angry or passionate over the author’s opinion makes you willing to learn more about the topic and to provide more arguments against it.
2. Find a mentor
With a mentor, you are more likely to keep up with a subject because someone is helping you along. Especially, if you are a person with a sense of responsibility, you will feel uneasy not to be prepared for a lesson. A mentor will save your time to guide you to the best sources, will answer your questions and chat with you on the subject. It is important to find a mentor who is encouraging and respectful. Of course, you don’t want this person to take control of your education, he or she should be guiding and encouraging you.
3. Become a tourist
It is always interesting to explore history, when and what happened. Go to a science or natural history museum, visiting an author’s home also helps to get more knowledge and to make the author and his work more real. An annual pass to one place is a good way to memorize all the information in that location.
4. Read Wikipedia or Google it
Searching information in Wikipedia or Google is a great source to learn about the topic you are interested in it. They give you an exhaustive information about anything you type in. So keep reading and if you find something interesting and you want to explore more, just Google it or type in Wikipedia.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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EDUCATION: 12 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life

books in home library

Reading can become a serious but positive addiction once you indulge into it. Many studies and experiments have proved that books can have a huge impact on your mind. They cause biological changes; researchers have found that a powerful story can create ‘muscle memory’ in the brain in the same way as if the events and facts had actually happened to the reader. It is interesting that a good book is usually universal, it can affect people of all ages, social status, nationality etc.
Below you will find a list of 11 books that have changed lives of many bibliophiles; if you haven’t read them yet, do it now, because reading is one of the best pleasures of human being.
1.To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
The book published in 1960 gained popularity and success immediately. It has won the Pulitzer Prize, and has become classic of modern American Literature. The story and characters are based on the author’s observations of her family and neighbors. She also tells about the story that happened to her near her hometown at the age of 10. The novel deserved popularity due to its warmth and humor, even though it touches the serious issues of rape and racial inequality. Atticus Finch, the narrator’s father, has become a moral hero for many readers and a model of integrity for lawyers. One of the critics, describing the novel’s impact says that To Kill a Mockingbird is probably one of the most widely read books about race-related problems in America, and its protagonist, Atticus Finch is the most enduring fictional image of racial heroism.”
2.The Trial, by Franz Kafka
The Trial is one of Kafka’s best-known works. It tells the story of a man who was arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority and the nature of his crime was revealed to neither him nor the reader. It is a very telling illustration of the nightmare that a powerless man can experience due to bureaucracy and injustice. Kafka’s novels, are mostly incomplete and so is the Trial, but it does include a chapter which brings the story to an end. There are some inconsistencies and discontinuities in narration within the novel, e.g. disparities in timing.  Kafka is regarded by critics as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. Kafka strongly influenced genres such as existentialism.
3.The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye, a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger was originally written for adults, however, it has since gained popularity among adolescent readers for its themes of teenage angst and alienation. More than 250 000 copies are sold every year worldwide. The book is translated in almost all major languages. The novel’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon for teenage antagonism. The Times included the novel among 100 the best English-language novels written since 1923. Moreover, Modern Library and its readers named The Catcher in the Rye as one of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. The novel deals with complex issues of identity, connection, belonging and alienation.
4.The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoevsky’s final novel. Dostoyevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov. It is a passionate philosophical novel set in 19th century Russia. It enters deeply into the ethical debates of God, morality and free will. This spiritual drama conveys moral struggles concerning faith, doubt, and reason, facing a modernizing Russia. Dostoyevsky composed the novel in Staraya Russa which inspired the main setting. The Brothers Karamazov has been acclaimed as one of the supreme achievements in literature.
5.Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, a tragedy by William Shakespeare takes place in the Kingdom of Denmark. It tells about Prince Hamlet’s revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering his father King Hamlet (who is Claudius’s brother) and taking over the throne and marrying the old king’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. The play vividly conveys true and feigned madness, overwhelming grief and seething rage and explores themes of revenge, incest, treachery and moral corruption. Being the Shakespeare’s longest play, Hamlet is regarded as the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature. It is also the most performed worldwide. It has inspired writers like Goethe and Dickens and even Joyce and Murdoch. The tragedy of Hamlet is also the world’s most filmed story after Cinderella”.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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EDUCATION: 7 High Calorie Drinks You Should Avoid


Unfortunately, there’s no easy way of getting around packing on the pounds, even when it comes to beverages. Sure, we can place part of the blame on technology. Remote controls allow us to view a plethora of shows by merely pressing a button, WiFi permits us to stay in one place while we travel around the world, and we even have robotic vacuum cleaners that can operate on their own. It’s not that we’ve gotten lazier; it’s just that things have gotten more convenient, and today we’re paying the price. Given that the body has become used to using food to make us fat, the next challenge is liquids, and it seems as though liquids are winning!
If you are already watching your weight, you are probably fiercely paying attention to what you eat and counting calories. But are you attentive to what you drink? If not, you should be. Are you aware that many of the most popular drinks can thwart your weight-loss attempts because of their high calorie content?
One of the massive offenders in the great American diet war is beverages. Of course, beverages seem innocent enough. They taste pleasant, they look appealing, and there’s an unlimited variety of flavors. That’s all fine and well, but that innocent looking liquid sitting on your table can pack a hefty wallop of calories; therefore, you need to know which drinks to avoid.
Undoubtedly, you already know that heavy-laden drinks like milkshakes are filled to the brim with calories; however, high calorie drinks come in a number of disguises with hidden calories. Here are seven high calories drinks you should stay away from:
Fruit Smoothies
Many “fruit smoothies” have full-fat ice cream ingredients. So basically, you are drinking a milkshake masquerading as a smoothie. Fruit smoothies are sometimes made with sugary syrups that are high in calories rather than “real” fruit. Fruit smoothies high in calories can easily set-you-back roughly 450 calories with 24grams of fat to top it off. Create your own smoothie with frozen fruit, juice, and fat-free yogurt instead.
Special Coffee Drinks
That morning hit of caffeine can also hit you with a bunch of calories. You probably thought that special mocha coffee drink was only a caffeine pleaser, but frequently that’s not the case. That coffee with Irish crème, a touch of caramel syrup, sprinkled with bits of cinnamon can turn your coffee into a high calorie dessert. The coffee may cost you a good penny, but the calories will cost you even more, at least 500-650 calories more with 20-25grams of fat. Moreover, avoid the coffees with the words “pre-made base” and “cream.”
Soda has taken a bad rap lately, and with good reason. It’s nothing but sugar water. There’s no nutritional value. Moreover, sodas can lead to diabetes, obesity, memory loss, and a litany of other ailments. Just drinking a soda everyday for six-months can induce a 142% increase in liver-fat, 117% to 221% boost in skeletal fat, and approximately 30% increase in organ fat and triglyceride blood-fats. Just forget it!
A night out on the town could leave you worse for wear in more ways than one if you’ve been out drinking. Some of the worse cocktail offenders include margaritas, pina coladas, and white Russians. These types of drinks have ingredients like coconut milk and cream with plenty of sugar. A pina colada alone will hit you with 700 calories. If you must have a drink, try a light-beer or vodka with carbonated water.
Flavored Waters
Flavored waters are enticing due to their claims of added vitamins and other nutrients. It’s all a trick. Though they may be full of vitamins and nutrients, they are full of sugar as well. For example, one well-known flavored water packs 150 calories with 30g of sugar, which is absurd for something as healthful as water.
Benjamin Ekpenyong
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EDUCATION: The dying dad leaving life lessons on video for the daughter he'll never see grow up: Don't marry in haste. Don't keep secrets from Mum. And ALWAYS remember how much I loved you

Bond: Heartbroken at leaving his precious daughter behind without any memory of him, Ian is recording short videos for her to watch in the future


Devoted: Ian Pratt, 44, has motor neurone disease and is recording video messages for daughter Georgiana to watch as she grows olderThe dying dad leaving life lessons on video for the daughter he'll never see grow up: Don't marry in haste. Don't keep secrets from Mum. And ALWAYS remember how much I loved you.

  • "Ian Pratt, 44, is making video messages for daughter Georgiana, three
  • Devoted father has motor neurone disease and could have just a year to live
  • Short films include advice on money and boys, as well as emotional guidance 
  • He worries his daughter may have inherited illness, and has begged doctors to find a cure
  • Ian and wife Catherine want to make as many happy memories for Georgiana"

Devoted father Ian Pratt recently had the dreaded ‘talk about boys’ with his daughter Georgiana. It’s a conversation many dads will try their best to avoid, but Ian was determined to press ahead.

‘I told her not to settle for the first person who comes along because he might be a charmer, but he probably won’t be the man she will marry,’ says Ian, a 44-year-old accountant.

‘I also said that I don’t want her to settle too early. Her mother Catherine and I saw so much of the world before we got married and it’s really important to see something of life. It makes you wiser.

‘I told her that she needs to have her heart broken a few times. But when the right person comes along, she’ll know he’s right. I said I don’t care who he is or what he does for a living, I just want to make sure he’s the right person for her.
‘Financially, she’ll be secure because I’ve made sure of that. So, I told her to be sure he loves her for who she is, not just for her money.’

Ian didn’t have to worry about his daughter squirming in embarrassment as she listened to his advice, for Georgiana wasn’t listening. In fact, she wasn’t even in the room. Instead of gazing into his daughter’s big brown eyes, Ian was staring into the lens of a video camera.

For Georgiana, nicknamed George, is only 3½ and won’t need her father’s guiding hand in such matters for more than a decade.

But tragically, Ian doesn’t have a decade. In the ever-tightening grip of motor neurone disease (MND) — a cruel terminal illness that ravages the central nervous system — he will be lucky if he survives another year.

Heartbroken at leaving his precious daughter behind without any memory of him, he is recording short videos for her to watch in the future.
‘My biggest fear when I was diagnosed was: “Will George remember me?” ’ says Ian. ‘Will she know who I was?

Bond: Heartbroken at leaving his precious daughter behind without any memory of him, Ian is recording short videos for her to watch in the future
‘Part of this disease is that you lose your ability to speak. If I’m here for another ten years, which is unlikely, I could be trapped inside my body without being able to communicate.
‘It occurred to me that I have no recordings of my father, who died ten years ago, and it’s difficult to recall what he sounded like. Even with photographs, memories fade.
‘So for George, I wanted something she could look back on when she needed to hear me because I’m not going to be around for her.’
Future: Georgiana, nicknamed George, is only three and won't need her father's guiding hand in matters such as money and boys for more than a decade
Future: Georgiana, nicknamed George, is only three and won't need her father's guiding hand in matters such as money and boys for more than a decade
Ian’s blue eyes brim with tears and he reaches for a tissue. We’re in the living room of the family’s smart detached home in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, where a large canvas photo hangs on the wall of Ian and Catherine on their wedding day in 2009.
Catherine, a businesswoman for a global corporation, is beaming, while Ian is ruddy-cheeked and vital. He is unrecognisable from the gaunt shadow of a man sitting opposite.
On the sofa next to us is Sleeping Beauty. Little Georgiana is having her afternoon nap, her soft blonde curls tumbling over her pretty face. Thumb firmly stuck in mouth, her much-loved cuddly toy, Hotpot The Lamb, is providing a pillow.
It’s heart-rending to think that one day, possibly soon, she will wake up and Daddy will not be there.
That’s why Ian is desperate to make sure that if he can’t be there in person, he can at least be there at the touch of a button.
As well as the inevitable ‘talk about boys’, he’s offered his little girl sound advice about money.
‘I’ve worked in finance all my life and I’ve seen how much trouble people can get into with stupid pay-day loans and credit cards,’ he says.
‘So, I’ve shown her how to draw up a budget and given her advice, such as freezing her credit card in a block of ice if she ever gets into financial trouble, so she has time to think about a purchase as the ice melts.’
He says: ‘I want her to blow a bit of the money I leave her on travel or whatever she likes, but I want her to be careful with the rest of it.
‘I’ve talked to her about education. I would really love her to go to university. I want her to aim high. Don’t become a doctor, but be a specialist! Be the very best you can be and make a difference to society.
‘She’s such a headstrong little girl — Catherine jokes that she has ‘leadership qualities’ — that I really think she has the resolve to do something incredible with her life.
Family: Ian with his wife Catherine and their daughter Georgiana, who was born almost exactly a year after they married
Family: Ian with his wife Catherine and their daughter Georgiana, who was born almost exactly a year after they married
Happy couple: Ian and Catherine celebrate their wedding day in August 2009
Happy couple: Ian and Catherine celebrate their wedding day in August 2009
Friendship: Ian and Catherine had been friends for more than 15 years before they started dating
Friendship: Ian and Catherine had been friends for more than 15 years before they started dating
‘I’ve given her advice about her first job. I’ve told her that she may have to make lots of cups of tea to begin with and she can’t expect to rise through the ranks too quickly.
‘She has to be confident and full of ideas, but she must learn from her seniors. Hopefully, they will help and guide her.’
As well as practical advice, he is also offering emotional guidance. ‘There are going to be testing times when I’m not here, so I’ve spoken to her about that, too. I’ve said to her: “Mum won’t judge you — whatever the problem is, speak to her.”
‘My dad was always invaluable in that way and I want George to know she must never be afraid to speak to her mum about anything.
‘The hardest video I’ve done so far is telling her about her arrival. How much she was wanted. How much she is loved.’
Loved: Ian says the hardest video he has done so far is telling George about how much she was wanted and how much she is loved
Loved: Ian says the hardest video he has done so far is telling George about how much she was wanted and how much she is loved
Overjoyed: Though Ian says he'd never imagined being a father, he was at the birth and was overjoyed
Ian in happier times before his illness with daughter Georgiana, then aged seven months
Overjoyed: Though Ian says he'd never imagined being a father, he was at the birth and was overjoyed
He pauses and the tears come again. ‘Because none of this [the disease] was ever in our plan.’
Ian and Catherine had been friends for more than 15 years before they started dating. Georgiana was born almost exactly a year after they wed.
Though Ian says he’d never imagined being a father, he was at the birth and was overjoyed.
‘When the midwife said “It’s a girl”, I was over the moon,’ he says. ‘Given our age — we are both 44 —  we thought she would probably be our only child and I was so happy she was a girl. They have a special place in their dad’s heart.’
The couple had great plans for the future: they wanted to build their own dream home and travel the world. But, unbeknown to them, MND was taking hold of Ian.
Happy memories: Ian and Catherine with their baby daughter at her christening in October 2010
Happy memories: Ian and Catherine with their baby daughter at her christening in October 2010
‘Even before we married, I was getting lots of cramping and twitching in my neck and limbs, but it didn’t bother me much,’ he says.
‘I now know these are the first symptoms, but at the time I had no idea. I was very active — I  used to go to the gym four days a week — and had a good diet. We just got on with life. My GP thought it could be a potassium deficiency.
‘But in 2011 I lost nearly three stone in a matter of weeks, so I knew something wasn’t right. I was referred to a neurologist, who thought it could be a pinched nerve in my neck, and a rheumatologist, who sent me for a battery of tests.
‘When the results came back, she said: ‘I’ve got some really good news — it’s not cancer.’ I burst into tears. I was relieved, but later worried that if it wasn’t cancer, it could be something worse.’
It was only when Ian was referred to Professor Pam Shaw, who specialises in MND, that he realised something could be seriously wrong.
Onset: Ian says that before the couple married he was experiencing cramping and twitching in his neck and limbs, but it did not bother him
Onset: Ian says that before the couple married he was experiencing cramping and twitching in his neck and limbs, but it did not bother him
Active: Prior to his diagnosis, Ian was very active and would go to the gym four days a week
Active: Prior to his diagnosis, Ian was very active and would go to the gym four days a week
‘When I Googled MND, I found all these horrendous things about it being terminal and people dying of it within two years.
‘I thought: “Could this be it?” I could relate to some of the symptoms, but I was careful not to put a label on it until someone confirmed it.
‘And as each test result came back negative, I began to hope it could be something else.’
What Ian didn’t realise is that there is no single test for MND: it is diagnosed through a process of elimination. After months of testing, he and Catherine were called to see Professor Shaw in September 2012. It was a month before Ian’s 43rd birthday.
‘I’d tried to put it to the back of my mind, but deep down, I knew I was in trouble,’ says Ian. ‘When we went into the consulting room, there were lots of posters on the wall about MND. I said to Catherine: “She’s going to tell me I’ve got MND.” And she did.
Diagnosis: Ian, pictured before his illness struck, was diagnosed with MND in September 2012 - a month before his 43rd birthday
Diagnosis: Ian, pictured before his illness struck, was diagnosed with MND in September 2012 - a month before his 43rd birthday
‘Neither of were prepared for it. We were convinced it was something else.
‘I was told there was no treatment, it was progressive and terminal, so it would get worse and I would die.
‘My mind raced to a neighbour of my brother’s who had MND and was dead within months. Would that be me? How long did I have?  But Professor Shaw has never given me a time limit.
‘My GP said it would be within five years at best and three years at worst. I’ve had it for five years, so I’ve no idea how long I have left. I’ve felt a marked decline in the past six months.
‘On the day of the diagnosis I was in shock. Catherine and I were hugging each other and crying. My one over-riding thought was: “I need to be with George.”
Worry: Though 90 per cent of the 5,000 MND cases in Britain are seemingly random, the other 10 per cent are thought to be genetic. There's no suggestion George will inherit her father¿s disease, but he is fearful
Worry: Though 90 per cent of the 5,000 MND cases in Britain are seemingly random, the other 10 per cent are thought to be genetic. There's no suggestion George will inherit her father¿s disease, but he is fearful
‘We went straight to her nursery and picked her up and the three of us just hugged. She didn’t understand what was going on — she still doesn’t. But I sobbed for days.’
Though 90 per cent of the 5,000 MND cases in Britain are seemingly random, the other 10 per cent are thought to be genetic. There’s no suggestion George will inherit her father’s disease, but he is fearful.
‘I sometimes watch her when she is sleeping and she twitches, just like anyone does in their sleep, and my heart sinks.
‘I always say to Professor Shaw: “Don’t worry about finding a cure for me. It’s too late. But please, you’ve got 30 years to find a cure for my daughter.” ’
Upsetting: Ian admits that the hardest part of his illness has been the role reversal for father and daughter, as she will often fetch things for him
'She knows my muscles aren't good and I can't do what other daddies do,' Ian says
Upsetting: Ian admits that the hardest part of his illness has been the role reversal for father and daughter, as she will often fetch things for him
He admits that the hardest part of his illness has been the role reversal for father and daughter.
‘She knows my muscles aren’t good and I can’t do what other daddies do. I can’t pick up my little girl and give her a hug because I’m too weak, which is really hard for me. I can’t even pick up a kettle to make a cup of tea.
‘She will often fetch things for me. What is really upsetting is if I fall over and can’t get up again. She rushes over and is just beside herself. She gets distressed because she doesn’t understand what to do.
‘As a result of my illness, she is becoming a very caring child. Her nursery told us that whenever a child falls over, George is the first one to run over and pick them up.
Georgiana is learning how to ring the emergency services if she sees her father fall
Catherine and Ian plan to create as many happy memories for their daughter as possible
Determined: Catherine and Ian plan to create as many happy memories for their daughter as possible
‘The nursery is also teaching her how to ring the emergency services if she sees me fall and Catherine or my carer are not around. But that’s a lot of responsibility for a three-year-old.’
As well as George, there  is also the impact the illness has had on his five-year marriage to Catherine.
She arrives from work towards the end of our interview and admits, with disarming honesty, how difficult she is finding the transition from wife to carer.
‘It’s been really hard. There are days I look forward to going away on business because it means I’ll get a good night’s sleep for once,’ she says. ‘People think that when one of you has a terminal illness, you spend your days telling each other “I love you!”, but it’s not like that.
Advice: Ian recently made a video for George about relationships, telling his daughter to have lots of friends and to let them become her extended family
Advice: Ian recently made a video for George about relationships, telling his daughter to have lots of friends and to let them become her extended family
Loving: Ian describes Catherine as his 'soulmate', and in one video has told their daughter to always speak to her mother - whatever the problem
Loving: Ian describes Catherine as his 'soulmate', and in one video has told their daughter to always speak to her mother - whatever the problem
‘The things that annoy you about each other still annoy you. But deep down you love one another. I try not to think about the future too much because it’s too hard.’
Ian agrees: ‘There are days when I say to Catherine: “That’s it, I want out. I’ve had enough.” That really upsets her.
‘She’s my soulmate and she knows I don’t mean it, but it can be so frustrating because I can’t do any of the simple things I used to do, such as mowing the lawn, taking out the bins or even cooking a meal. When we said “For better or worse”, she got the raw deal.’
The couple plan to create as many happy memories for their daughter as possible. Ian recently made a video for George about relationships, telling his daughter to have lots of friends and to let them become her extended family.
Family holiday: This week the family are going to Disneyland Paris, where Ian plans to record more snippets on his video camera
Family holiday: This week the family are going to Disneyland Paris, where Ian plans to record more snippets on his video camera
‘I told her to have different types of friends who will all help her in different ways and to never say anything she might regret to them, because once it has been said you can never take it back.’
This week the family are going to Disneyland Paris, where Ian plans to record more snippets on his video camera.
‘I’ll just be a voice on the screen saying: “I hope you remember when we came here, George, and had such a happy time together.” That’s all. Nothing too deep.’
At that moment, George stirs and, through sleepy eyes, wriggles onto her Daddy’s knee for a cuddle.
‘I just want her to have memories of me,’ he says. ‘To know who I was and to know she is very loved. Because she is. Every moment of every day — aren’t you, sweetheart.’

Benjamin Ekpenyong
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